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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Fronius CMT MIG welding advice needed
- - By qcrobert (***) Date 08-07-2012 20:49
Good afternoon Gents,
What a wonderful, invaluable forum this is that we can draw on the knowledge and experience of such a vast audience of forum members.

I am investigating GMAW process equipment that will exert the least amount of thermal input into welding a .750" thk rolled CS flange to a .375" thk SS plate.

I have limited experience with Pulse Arc and was disappointed with the results in that heat input was still to high for my desires.

Although on the expensive end, the Fronius Cold Metal Transfer MIG welding process seems ideal and may be contacting such for a demonstration at our facility.

Would like to query all as to their experience and comments on this or any other MIG welding process that could produce the results I desire.

Thanks in advance,

Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 08-10-2012 03:25

You are joining  3/4"  to  3/8"  if I understand your post.

CMT is a short circuit transfer, similar to Miller RMD and Lincoln STT (but better)    All three are pretty much limited to thin metals.   It's not exactly apples to apples but I have run all 3 side by side.

Fronius does have a hybred CMT/Pulse  That might reduce overall heat..  But on material that thick you need fusion, and that comes with spray transfer.

Can you say more about why heat input with more traditional forms of transfer is not suitable for your application?
Parent - By qcrobert (***) Date 08-10-2012 21:44
PM sent
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Fronius CMT MIG welding advice needed

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