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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Structural steel fabrication pricing.
- - By strother (***) Date 08-08-2012 17:08
What is good starting point for pricing structural fabrication by the ton? I know the $ amount can vary a lot depending on the the amount of fabrication . I just thinking straight forward fab. Beams and columns. I usually just estimate time and materials when I'm bidding,but I would like to have some standard to go back and compare to just to be sure I'm in the ballpark. Most of the time I am only bidding to supply the fabricated steel and not installation.

Know this is a broad question  but any input would be appreciated.
Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 08-08-2012 17:42
May want to figure the number of manhours per ton, then use your shop's hourly rate.
Parent - By Sourdough (****) Date 08-09-2012 01:25're talking about a vast grey area there. You could have all kinds of goodies popping up after you figure things by the ton.....
Parent - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 08-09-2012 01:50
I agree with the Vast Grey area. You could be taling about welding 2 1000lb plates together with a single fillet weld or 2000lbs of Hinges. GREAT BIG DIFFERENCE
- - By yojimbo (***) Date 08-09-2012 17:27
You might take a look at Means Estimating free 7 day trial offer.  Not neccessarally the best metric for bidding, but a starting point to adjust from and compare national/union/open shop pricing.  They tend to use very conservative values which are great to justify and substantiate change orders.  Competitive bidding needs a sharper pencil.  Free trial allow you to print pricing/man hours/costs for line items of a ton of fabrication values.
Parent - By strother (***) Date 08-10-2012 01:26
Thanks Yojimbo , That is what I'm looking for, just a reference. I've found a few things on line but they were out of date.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Structural steel fabrication pricing.

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