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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / My Answer For Underwater Welding our DOT bridge work !
- - By Len Andersen (***) Date 08-09-2012 14:59 Edited 10-25-2016 16:02
Ladies and Gentlemen,
      Real time situation and answer done as follows.

Reference underwater welding use. Having been in the New York City construction scene for forty years, having patent in and having done underwater welding for thirty five years I have inputted on it use in New York City projects. I cannot find a clear reference to it use with the originator of our welding manual “NYSSCM” NYSDOT but if they were contacted they might have such. Have done NYCDOT contracts from various prospectives. I am aware of contract language, the New York State Steel Construction Manual and/or applicable industry standards / specification / codes. In many case we have accepted on less critical work


And as required

In the case of wet underwater welding especial

“$100.00 D3.6M:2010 Underwater Welding Code

This specification covers the requirements for welding structures or components under the surface of water. It includes welding in both dry and wet environments. “ is suggested.

If it is a critical weld having me or other with similar qualifications interacting is suggested. Fast answer is WPQR done in same water condition by the diver welder is a way in which the contractor could proof it will meet specified limits. Standing by.

Know there are better answers. Your views appreciated. I hope this helpful.
Len Andersen
914-536-7101 , 212-839-6599 8-4 New York Time , 914-237-7689 (H)
Update October 25 , 2016
Looking For Work / No Longer With NYCDOT – no longer valid
Leonard M. Andersen Engineer
AWS CWI ( Certified Welding Inspector) ( HP SecureMail voltage connected ) POB 1529 New York, New York 10116 ( $~1280 per year Caller Box Large NYC Post Office ) 914-536-7101 Cell Phone / 914-237-7689 Home / 800-428-4801
Secondary email
Parent - - By MBSims (****) Date 08-10-2012 00:11
You certainly lost me on that one. Was there a question or point amongst all that?
Parent - - By RANDER (***) Date 08-10-2012 00:24
" is WPQR done in same water condition by the diver welder is a way in which the contractor could proof it will meet specified limits"

I think what he is asking is whether the Welder should be qualified in water conditions similar to the conditions that may be present on the project. I.e. turbidity, flow rate, etc.  I could be way off the mark though.  I have no answer either way, just trying to help.
Parent - - By OBEWAN (***) Date 08-10-2012 08:08
You might have hit on something significant with the water flow issue.  I had not thought about it before because I have never been involved in any underwater welding.  But if flow is significant it could cause some real nightmares.  It might be similar to arc blow.  But it seems like it would only happen in rivers...And, how can it be simulated?  It would take a fancy test tank...

Parent - - By eekpod (****) Date 08-10-2012 10:25
I'm sorry but I don't see a question either.
Parent - By FarmCode (*) Date 08-10-2012 14:45
Wipe Sharona!
Parent - By 46.00 (****) Date 08-10-2012 19:20
I'm no expert, but in my humble opinion, if that was the case, you would need to produce a WPQR for each and every weld and also on a daily basis as the sea conditions could change by the hour!
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / My Answer For Underwater Welding our DOT bridge work !

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