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Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Education & Training / AWS Student Chapters
- - By Oneatatime (**) Date 08-31-2012 02:37
I was inquiring to see if any of you have dealt with student chapters and how you motivated the students, what projects you guys worked on and any other information or suggestions you may have. Thanks.
Parent - By Lawrence (*****) Date 08-31-2012 10:56
Hey Jon

We are starting a student AWS chapter this semester as well.

Part of our school bylaws are that chapters/clubs must do community service etc.   Lots of things to do.

We are also going to build some wine racks in the next couple of weeks and some artsy stuff with our CNC plasma cutter.   We have a cullinary arts program that puts on fancy dinners pretty regularly for business folks etc.   The plan is to place the nicer things we make around these fancy dinners and have regular silent auctions..

We are also going to build some trailers.

When we can make enough money we would like to buy a basket case and build a custom motorcycle with the combination of our sheet metal and structural fab classes.........  Kind of ambitious and in the dream stage but ya never know eh?
Parent - - By aevald (*****) Date 09-01-2012 01:49
Hello Jon, we have a student AWS chapter at our college and it is also under the umbrella of the "LCC Welding Club"(that way they are recognized as a college club which can apply for student body funding, receive college recognition, and other things).

As Lawrence mentioned, they do community service things, they have been involved in fund raising for underprivileged families, providing services for other programs around the college, aiding with fundraising for the College's Foundation(providing monies for scholarships and related items), etc. Just recently they were "commissioned" to provide a display to be housed in the entrance to the lobby of the college's student center. There were half a dozen or so members working on this piece and then one of them took the lead on completing it and getting it installed in the lobby. They also have been responsible for taking the lead on many of the repairs that are often brought into our shop by various community members. Good luck on getting things going and try to find things that they can take personal ownership in, that is usually all it takes to keep the interest and energy going. The pictures of the display piece that I have included are all of metal except for a pair of safety glasses that are epoxied to it. Best regards, Allan
Parent - - By Oneatatime (**) Date 09-16-2012 23:00
Thats pretty neat, We are currently working towards reorganizing our chapter and looking at possible projects and ways to get people motivated, its hard for us to find a time for everyone to commit to, but we are working on it.
One of the projects i was thinking about was building some sort of welding publication library for all the students to utilize.
Maybe a way to get a cnc plasma table for the college, student chapters use.
We will see, another week till our next meeting then i will know more. Thanks for all your help.
Parent - By aevald (*****) Date 09-17-2012 04:47
Hello again Oneatatime, your comments on finding time and being able to get folks together is certainly one that many of us face. In our particular case we are a community college and as such, we have a broad audience and student make-up. The majority of our students are juggling school, family, prior/current financial responsibilities, and many other commitments that require their attention. They do manage to find a balance and are able to devote time and efforts to contributing and being a part of the welding club/AWS student chapter. You mentioned a welding library for your students, in our case we are able to request library titles and other resources that the library handles and have them available for students(this is a part of the vocational departments allotment of reference and library materials). They are housed within the library so that everyone on campus has access, yet they are very specific to our students and their needs. We also have a say in how monies are spent within the student body, they provide access to monies that are available to clubs, ie. the welding club, and that is another avenue where the welding club can be active and go after funds to provide many different areas of support for our welding program. We believe that visibility and involvement are very important to program health, so anything and everything that can be done to promote that on our campus is a part of our program goal. Sounds like you're getting ready to roll, good luck and best regards, Allan
Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Education & Training / AWS Student Chapters

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