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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Gate Hinges
- - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 09-07-2012 23:55
I mentioned this in Strothers post, these are the hinges. Didn't want to steal his thread so started this.

I lost the bid on repairing the broken gate hinges to this fine craftsmanship. Looks like at one point the almost had a decent looking weld. I'm rather fond of how they turned these between the post and gate hinges into face mounted hinges. I hope they are ready for 7 day a week operation, some 360 days a year with no maintenance holding up 900lb plus gate leafs. I believe they will be calling me again when the gate falls off.
Parent - By texwelder (***) Date 09-08-2012 01:57
Are you sure those are welds looks like buzzards are roosting right above that cause one of them cr@pped all over that gate
Parent - By Oneatatime (**) Date 09-08-2012 03:14
Looks like some of the reputable welding companies around here, normal day of work.....Im just sayin
I love getting the call. Will you come fix this....Sure!, let me go ahead and charge even more cause now i half to fix there mistake....:)
Parent - - By 2006strat (***) Date 09-08-2012 03:29 Edited 09-08-2012 03:32
Looks like some body stired dog sh!t up with a stick then flung it on the gate.  "we dose it cheapsest in towns".      It always comes down to you get what you pay for.  Thats that new rod 9090.  Dosent matter what metal, up or down,  clean or dirty, just put enough on to hold it in place.
Parent - - By JLWelding (***) Date 09-08-2012 03:35
haaa That's some good looking welding going on there :lol:
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 09-08-2012 04:15
My favorite part of all was how the hinges are situated. They have the edge of the foot welded to the edge of a scabbed piece of metal. All of this holding up a 900lb+ gate. Maybe it will hold but if it was my insurance and the guard was opening the gate one day and it fell on him, I wouldn't want to be the guy the city calls and says, "hey, we've got a problem".
Parent - - By Smooth Operator (***) Date 09-08-2012 18:27
Cummins; As I said in the other thread  "ITS' ALL ABOUT THE DOLLARS":yell::yell::yell: DOESN'T SUCH FINE CRAFTSMANSHIP  chap your arse !!!!!:confused::confused::confused: If whom ever did that went to ANY welding class ( not school but a class) should get his money back:red::red: Also if you don't have the right parts ORDER THEM and leave the job for another day!!!!!:yell::yell::yell::yell: GEEZ !!!!!
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 09-08-2012 20:51 Edited 09-15-2012 12:40
Yeah, I was ticked, no denying that. Took off with the truck turned up pretty hot and left there in a cloud of diesel fumes. Told myself, screw them the next time they call and have that tough job they can't find anybody else to do. Just part of the game though.
Parent - - By Stringer (***) Date 09-09-2012 14:39
I wonder why the grinding at the end on the top weld? He was doing so good...
Parent - - By 99205 (***) Date 09-09-2012 16:21
probably grinding away overlap.
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 09-10-2012 04:18
Naw that is Farm Code DT   He was grinding in to the weld to make sure he had consistent porosity:grin:
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 09-10-2012 13:37
"consistent porosity", now that's funny!!! :lol::lol:
Parent - By fbrieden (***) Date 09-10-2012 13:49
Shot at and missed, **** on and hit!
Parent - By yojimbo (***) Date 09-15-2012 03:58
Triple the price and give them 20 % off.
Parent - - By hillbilly delux (***) Date 09-10-2012 23:21
It will hold for many years. But which is why I got out of welding. Its ugly but I would have never put my john hancock on that.
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 09-12-2012 01:50
Your probably right Stan, be that way for years and everybody will think that it was a good weld.
Parent - By Chris2626 (***) Date 09-12-2012 12:01
The person who welded these wanted to make some drainage hole so if any water or moisture was in there they'd drip right on out. I had to deliver some steel to a guy down the road from me Monday and he showed me a gate a friend of his wanted repaired and the guy told his friend i'll build you a new one for the same price of fixing the old. This gate wasn't even welded out it was all spot welded, amazing it lasted as long as it did. He felt bad for his friend and just couldn't let that kinda trash work leave his shop, all the little ornamental stuff was burned
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Gate Hinges

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