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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / EB welding defects Root notch as per AMS2680 standard
- - By APPU Date 09-14-2012 12:44
As per AMS 2680 standard for Electron beam welding of Fatigue critical application following defect is mentioned

Undercut and root notches: Where permissible, shall not exceed engineering drawing tolerances. When not specially noted, under cut or root notches shall not exceed 10% of material thickness total and shall be blended to have not less than0.06 in(1.5mm) root radius.

In our cases, we are welding 2mm thick titanium bottle 400mm dia. In the weld slope out region, a weld suck back  zone is occurring. In this region, one edge of the weld root is slightly ejected out. the dimension of this zone width 0.25mm and depth less than 0.2mm over a length of 2-3mm. Actual width of the weld root is 1mm. This dropped zone is having irregular shaped curve (may look like U shaped curve)and other zone of the weld (0.75mm width )is having positive side penetration. If measuring the radius of the profile, we get a radius matching 0.6mm.

My question is 1) is it a root notch?  since it has less than 1.5mm root radius? please give me reply. and also please helps to me where is this root notch terms can be applied?
Parent - By welderbrent (*****) Date 09-14-2012 14:27


Hopefully one of our members with knowledge of Electron Beam will spot this query soon.  I am not one of them.  I just wanted to welcome you and let you know your post has been noticed.

Have a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - By Lawrence (*****) Date 09-14-2012 15:25
Welcome to the Forum APPU

    There are a couple experts here that may give input.. But if they are busy I highly recommend Gregg Martsching at PWT Percision Welidng Techlology...  He is one of the top  Process control, EB, Laser, Aerospace joining men there is.

He doesn't work for free of course; but you won't regret making the contact with him.

Tell him Larry sent you his way.

Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / EB welding defects Root notch as per AMS2680 standard

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