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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Speciality Gas?
- - By newinsp (**) Date 10-19-2012 02:38
I ordered a bottle of 90/10 Ar/Co2 from my supplier and he said that the lease was twice as much as the one for our 75/25 because it wasn't what he usually keeps in stock.  A 'specialty gas', he called it.  I'm looking for a reasonably priced mixer in the Spring.
Parent - - By Chris2626 (***) Date 10-19-2012 02:51
Sounds like BS to me, I mean it could be a spec more money but I can't see double in price. I don't think the guys where i work sell it for double. Where are you located at?
Parent - - By newinsp (**) Date 10-19-2012 11:46
We're on the Outer Banks, NC.  It's a tourist trap for beach goers.  There are two suppliers that make weekly runs through here.  Both are about an hour and twenty minutes away.
Parent - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 10-20-2012 01:43
A friend of Mine had a shop in Englehard NC. [Rt. 264 Hyde County].  He went to Greenville or at least Lil Washington for His stuff. I think He dealt with National. It is an hour and a half to ANYWHERE down there.
Parent - - By welderbrent (*****) Date 10-19-2012 03:07
No way.  Just because he doesn't normally handle it doesn't make it a 'Specialty Gas'.  They mix an awful lot of those as well as the 75/25.

Have a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - By newinsp (**) Date 10-19-2012 11:40
Those were his exact words. 

This is what 'sticker shock' feels like.
Parent - By strother (***) Date 10-19-2012 21:53
I buy it all the time the gas is a little more but the lease is the same . The lease should be based on the # of cylinders and there size , not what's in them. Sound like they would just rather sell   75/25.  I buy my gas from Praxair.
Parent - - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 10-20-2012 01:47 Edited 10-20-2012 03:09
Parent - - By newinsp (**) Date 10-20-2012 23:47
Parent - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 10-21-2012 03:20
Before You buy one of these, check to be sure that it is compliant with any codes You have to work to.

I have 2 of these, they are pretty simple inside. There is a 2 sided regulator that keeps the pressure equal on both input lines, and a pair of needle valves geared together, so one opens as the other closes. A mixing section mixes the gasses much like on a torch.

Mine seemed to work OK on a bench test, but I never got as far as installing them.
Parent - By Smo-man 2 Date 10-20-2012 03:53
Tell the moron this is not an exotic mix.Argon,Co2 are both common gases.Helium is expensive because the U.S is experiencing shortages of it.I would find another supplier.
- - By Dualie (***) Date 10-19-2012 06:51
if the lease was twice as much thats even more reason to buy your own cylinders.
Parent - - By newinsp (**) Date 10-19-2012 11:53
I agree.  I'm going to mention that to my employer. 

I bought my personal bottles from a supplier (that does not deliver here) in VA.  I saved enough money to pay for the extra gas, go shopping and eat out while there.
Parent - - By Chris2626 (***) Date 10-19-2012 11:58
This must not be a big company rather a little local welding shop. Well he's gonna start loosing money no doubt.
Parent - By newinsp (**) Date 10-19-2012 12:37
It's a small branch store of a large chain.
Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 10-19-2012 17:11
I'm confident to say that 90/10  Argon/Co2 is the #1 GMAW spray transfer shield gas unsed in the United States  Followed by 98/2 Argon/Oxygen.

90/10 is not a specialty gas... period.

At best your distributer is wrong, at worst he is trying to take advantage at tremendous cost to his customers.
Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 10-19-2012 17:37
We had no issues getting the 90/10 mix either, placed a phone call and the LWS dropped off all the bottles we needed.
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 10-20-2012 02:53
They guy does not stock it, therefore he is going to charge you a premium for keeping at least one exchange of the same bottles with a different label on it.  More hassle for him.   Rarely do any welding supply's actually fill the bottles....most are not equipped and they send them out and rotate a stock of empties.   He is charging you for his inconvenience of handling a small amount of an additional line...and that is ALL IT IS.  Same bottle, different sticker, different mix.  Like everybody already said it is a common mix.

Try to negotiate it out....everything is negotiable just about.
Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 10-20-2012 11:01
Ahhh.... our LWS is also a compressed gas supplier, so that probably makes a big difference.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Speciality Gas?

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