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Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Education & Training / Does You State Have an Association of Welding Instructors?
- - By Blaster (***) Date 11-03-2012 20:26
In Washington we have the Washington Welding Instructors Association.  We recently met and had an attendance of about 23 college welding instructors from around our state.

As usual during our 1 1/2 day meeting, we took a couple of industry tours, had a great dinner, and spent time discussing issues in our field and in the field of education.

We meet once or twice a year at various locations, hosted each time by different members within our state.  I always look forward to it and think it is a valuable experience for the participants.

I think we are fortunate to have this group and am curious if welding instructors in other states have similar organizataions.
Parent - - By aevald (*****) Date 11-04-2012 20:28 Edited 11-04-2012 20:33
Hello Blaster, I am going to try to include a link to a similar question that I posted some time ago. Hopefully it will come up as I had planned. It really received limited responses. Although I also had some correspondence with another poster in Mississippi who was considering pursuing a similar tact with fellow instructors. I have not heard if he has had any success though. I will be following this thread to see if any others respond and what their responses are. Best regards, Allan;hl=instructor%20association
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 11-06-2012 01:58
I know that Ohio does but can't tell you much about it anymore since I got ill and do not teach anymore and do not have any contacts readily available for me to pass on to you.

However, If you give me some time, I think I can come up with some contact info for you...

Parent - By aevald (*****) Date 11-06-2012 03:13
Hello Henry, whenever you get a chance would be just great. I know that you are still in a serious battle and I wish you well as you work your way through it. Best regards, Allan
Parent - By pipewelder_1999 (****) Date 11-05-2012 12:20
We do not. I wish we did and I have failed to pursue it with much effort myself. I would love to get together with other instructors and learn from them and share my experiences. I started a linkedin group and a facebook page off of my regular facebook account but haven't promoted anything. I'm still working with various ideas for the best ways to use my time for teaching.

What you are doing sounds great.

I need to get on the ball.

Gerald Austin
- By Tigweld6g Date 12-15-2012 01:33
I wish New Jersey Had Something. I have personally invited many other instuctors to get together in the past butonly a handful show up. Its sad most are only interested in beating there own chest if ya know what i mean. I personall would meet ,call, email all other instructors its for thebenifit of each other and our students. I like to bounce ideas off one another, its fun and refreshing to know what others are doing across the country. isnt that why we all joined the AWS.
- By hvymax (**) Date 10-22-2013 14:53
I know most of the instructors in my area through the area AWS chapter. It would be nice if we got together every now and again.
Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Education & Training / Does You State Have an Association of Welding Instructors?

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