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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / REALLY ??????????????????????????
- - By texwelder (***) Date 11-07-2012 13:23
How can anybody that gets up and goes to work everyday and pays taxes and then sees the money wasted on stupid programs that failed have voted for this retard. This proves that this is a food stamp not a paycheck country now, he goes against everything this country stands for. Romney had to release his tax papers why can we not get ODUMA'S college records and his thesis paper and see what he wrote it about. He done nothing the last four years that helped anything I know first hand. Oh wait we are farther in debt more people on food stamps higher unemployment and gas prices and inflation and on and on. So if you are a cry baby that still needs your mommy then you got what you wanted by voting this puke back in office. I wander if he will wipe your a$$ for y'all?
Parent - By RonG (****) Date 11-07-2012 16:06
"So if you are a cry baby that still needs your mommy" Wow,,, Do you have a mirror? Just listen (read) to your self man.
- - By texwelder (***) Date 11-07-2012 13:25
Parent - - By SMTatham (**) Date 11-07-2012 13:28
Tex, I don't know ANY vets or active/reserve armed service members that voted for BHO.  There may be some, no doubt.  I am just saying in my family and circle of friends/aquaintances...........NOONE voted for him!!!
Parent - By texwelder (***) Date 11-07-2012 13:45
Well that's good to hear I just hate what is happening to our country it is very scary
Parent - - By Blaster (***) Date 11-09-2012 20:51
It is impossible for a Vet to vote for almost any politician without violating his oath:

"I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God." (Title 10, US Code; Act of 5 May 1960 replacing the wording first adopted in 1789, with amendment effective 5 October 1962).

"I, _____ (SSAN), having been appointed an officer in the Army of the United States, as indicated above in the grade of _____ do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office upon which I am about to enter; So help me God." (DA Form 71, 1 August 1959, for officers.)

The oath has no time limit.  A Vet is bound for life.

I will never understand how a Servicemember or Vet could vote Obama after swearing to defend the Constitution from domestic enemies.
Parent - By SMTatham (**) Date 11-09-2012 21:13
Check out Stuart Rhodes and his group The Oathkeepers.  Real patriot/statesman.
Parent - - By RonG (****) Date 11-07-2012 16:08
Know this folks. I severed in Korea and Nam and I'll be damned if I will ever need you to me whats best.
Parent - - By SMTatham (**) Date 11-07-2012 16:18
Ron, I believe you are an exception to the "typical" Obama supporter.
Parent - - By RonG (****) Date 11-07-2012 16:42
I think you mis-understand me. I did not vote for Obama in this election or the last because I did not care for either option either time. There fore I will (must & do) accept what comes to me and do the best I can with it. But above all I will support who ever holds the office for as long as he holds it. How ever, I distrust Romney a lot more than I fear Obama.

My feelings are pretty simple, as long as we are divided the way we are nothing good will come of it. Nature abhors a vacuum and we definitely have a vacuum in the area of unity and when you have a vacuum you risk loosing control.

Our Congress is just as culpable for the past 4 years as Obama’s administration is. You can not honestly say Obama failed when every one was pulling in a different direction.
Parent - - By SMTatham (**) Date 11-07-2012 17:12
I agree Ron that the choice was a matter of the lesser of two evils.  In my mind; the lesser choice was clear.  Your take is different; and I am relieved you did not vote FOR him!!  True point; our nation IS divided; nearly 50/50 on many issues.  And I certainly never said BHO failed at anything.  At issuing executive orders, decreasing personal freedom, nationalizing healthcare and the auto industry.....he excelled at those.

The division......I think we have to ask why it is?  Our nation's founders and the judeo-christian ethics that guided their pens as they wrote our founding documents; the personal bravery they displayed by risking ALL to found a nation by violent revolution........this has been systematically broken down by the leftist progressive types.  ARE we truly ONE nation anymore?  Or are we just a collection of states?
Parent - - By welderbrent (*****) Date 11-07-2012 18:54
I don't think my post will be considered a hijack to tex's OP if one will follow it through...

Sean, I agree, that there is division and it is more extreme than it was when many of us were younger (not that we are old...:lol:).   And you are right, we really need to consider what it is that truly unites us and then, not let the divisions be over the basic tenets of unity.

For example, in the book of Acts it is said many times that the first century church gathered together in 'unity' and/or 'one accord'.  BUT, did they perfectly agree on everything.  Look at the issues the Apostles and Church Leaders were constantly addressing.  There was disagreement.  But they went to those they held in esteem for knowledge, wisdom, and being full of the Holy Spirit to get direction.  Then, were left in most cases to work some of the finer details out for themselves.

Now, when you compare that with the beginnings of this great country we see the same thing.  The original colonies were mainly divided by religious preferences... one state was mainly a gathering of Baptists, one of Methodists, one of Quakers, one of Presbyterian, etc (may not be exact denominational names for the era but you get the idea).  They occassionally had laws that made it quite controversial to live in one state and practice a differing religion.  Then, with the signing of the Declaration of Independence and the Revolutionary War, we were drawn together by an overwhelming COMMON GOAL, Freedom and Independence.

After the war, with the establishment of our Constitution they decided those basic beliefs that ALL fought for were not protected well enough.  Thus, the Bill Of Rights. 

The bottom line of all major conflicts and establishments of various charters, constitutions, etc has been freedom and independence.  The Magna Carta, our Constitution, and many others.  In Baptist Doctrines it is referred to as 'Individual Soul Liberty'.  You, me, all of us, should have the freedom to make MOST of the decisions respecting our religion, family, and how we conduct our business.  Most of the laws in existence today are because of extreme abuse of those freedoms.

Freedom comes with Responsibility and Accountability.  And ultimately that means we are Responsible and Accountable to God for how we use the time, resources, knowledge, and experience He has granted each one of us here. 

Another aspect of our country is that, if you can understand my definition, we are actually fifty individual, independent governments united by this common thread of the freedoms we all enjoy.  BUT, that all started changing with the Civil War as well as the attitude of the people toward what they wanted out of government.  We began the course that has multiplied today that the government is all powerful and can make no mistakes.  Then comes the problem... Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely.  And the Government totally took over on a National level.  Thus, we no longer have, nor do many understand the concept of, States Rights. 

Bottom line:  We are now seeing the path from one position to another.  There are no individual freedoms (freedom of speech, religion and the others are failing quickly).  No ability to make our own decisions (you WILL have Health Insurance, drive this car, use this fuel, etc).  So many things are dictated to us. 

So, WHY is this so?  Human nature.  Most want someone else making all the decisions for them and defending them. They are too busy doing what they want to do with the boat, bike, etc and/or making the money to support all their toys to be bothered with the work to stay free.  And the divide gets greater as there is no middle ground.  You either support TOTAL FREEDOM AND INDEPENDENCE or you support TOTAL SUBMISSION.  Call it what you want, Socialism, Communism, etc ( I know they are different but the end is the same). 

Now, most of us have expressed the goal of allowing everyone to express their opinions.  But look at how most of the arguments go.  We don't have the desire to allow others to do what they feel is right.  If those we term 'liberals' would think about it, why must we all be forced to have health care?  It is still a failing proposition.  Look around the world.  Look right here in our own country.  Health care systms are failing.  They stay afloat for awhile by finding ways to drag in more supporters.  Retirement funds and Social Security are failing.  First, the government stole a lot of money from it and used it is ways it was not intended.  But, it is not sustainable.  Especially with a declining population and the baby boomers all hitting retirement.  Even the government has said it is collapsing. 

We need to come back to the basic tenets.  I'll take care of mine, you take care of yours.  I'll live off what I work for, You live off what you work for.  I'll run my house, you run yours.  The only time someone else gets involved is when one state, person, government tries to trample on another person's rights.  Then we all step in and say, 'NO'.  I may not agree with your decision to have health insurance, but go ahead.  It's your money.  It's you that answers to God for your stewardship. 

BUT, don't force me to have something that causes me to betray my belief system.  We used to fight to protect the rights of others to believe how they want.  Now, we only have the right to believe the same as someone else.  We also had the rights of the minority, not anymore.  We are truly a Democracy INSTEAD of a Republic: Majority Rule With No Consideration For the Rights of The Minority.  And as more people come to this country who WANT the government to take care of them from the cradle to the grave we are only sinking further away from our great Republic. 

We are divided because it is not the choices that we are fighting over.  It is the tenets themselves.  You cannot let others be free to make their own decisions while you give away all your freedoms because you think it will go better for you if the government is responsible for all your needs- food, phone, health, utilities, etc, etc.  You need others helping pay the bills so you don't have to carry the full load.  But it won't work.  We will all carry the full load either way.  And when the govenment gets involved the expenses always go up.  None of us makes enough to support such a system.  Again, look around the world.  They are failing.  And now, we are headed into the condition they are trying to come out of.  Good Luck.

The only way is to be for separation.  Let those who love freedom stay where it is already established.  Let those who want socialism go to where it is already established.  The two cannot co-exist.  And one is doomed for failure.  Let's put it to the ultimate test, if you think it wasn't tested well enough in our first two hundred years, and see who is still standing at the next two hundred years.

See, that's why I try to stay out of discussions on politics and religion.  I get so worked up I probably didn't make any sense.  But there is my two tin pennies worth.

Have a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - By SMTatham (**) Date 11-07-2012 19:29
Brent; I LOVE discussions like this!!!  Iron sharpeneth iron; and debate and dialogue is one way to do it.  So don't hold back!!!
- - By texwelder (***) Date 11-07-2012 16:41
Say what y'all want but I am a hard working red blooded white HETEROSEXUAL American so get over it
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 11-09-2012 22:48
Good for you!!!

Tex, you and me will probably disagree on the candidates we chose for this election but, there is a lot of common ground when it comes to the other stuff...

So, have a HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!! Wow! it's almost here already... Btw, I'm also Red Blooded White Hetrosexual male also just like you.

The only difference is tha am not currently able to work and yet, I did go back to work after I recovered from a Liver Transplant for quite a few years until different illnesses beat the crap out of me so much that I could not go back to work ever since and I'm on SSDI meaning Disability... So my question to you is this: Are you going to hold that against me???

Parent - - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 11-10-2012 05:05
You have a legitamate disability, You are not one of the problem people getting disability income without having a disability.

I too have a legitamate disability. I HAD enough credits to open a disability claim 'till 3 years before My cancer diagnosis.
Those credits got stale during the years I was living on investment income and not working much, and not paying enough FICA taxes. The credits I had earned years before no longer counted.
Parent - - By welderbrent (*****) Date 11-10-2012 16:52
Funny how that all works so that those who deserve it but have done all they can to stay off of it until they have used up every penny they ever earned is gone and they have no more options available to them...Can't get it because they don't qualify.  But every Tom, Dick and Harry who goes in and applies while openly working jobs under the table gets it because they put it together the minute they got hurt.

But, having a good friend, two brothers-in-law, and some other acquaintances who have gotten it, file as soon as you even think it may need to be one of your options because once you do go through with the process and the panel awards you your claim they generally take it back to the time of the original filing.  And get a lawyer.  They settle very soon with lawyers involved but it takes years without one. 

And I for one don't hold it against you Henry.  It is obvious you have worked hard all of the lifetime you could.

Have a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 11-10-2012 19:30
I was told I was 60% disabled in my thirties, because of debilitating joint problems and severe arthritis.  I have a spine that looks like a worm thrown into a hot skillet from scoliosis. I have a love affair with cortizone and needles.  I was told that I should try to change what I do for a living because soon I would not be able to hack it at all.  I did not give it a second thought.  Most of these problems I have done to myself when I was younger and much dumber.:grin:  Some days are pretty rough but with enough pain killers I make it ok, you get use to it and pain just becomes part of your life.  If I would get me butt in gear and lose some weight I am sure it would help...tough to hit the weight bench when it is all creaking and popping,  could not run to save my life anymore...knees just do not work.  I just go on everyday and do what I can do, when I cannot I will ask for help.
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 11-10-2012 22:22
Brent,Thank you Brent, Dave!

Wow!!! Dave, that really is a bummer!!! Is this what a lawyer told you? That is totally unacceptable in my book but, they don't go by my book!

Do you know what really bothers me? It's when people who don't deserve to be awarded SSDI or SSI disability because of their mental status or condition and yet, when you come across one, they sound perfectly sane and do not exhibit any sort of unusual mental or physical behavior yet, they're working like Brent said earlier, and they usually pass the five year examination given to mostly all individuals on SSDI! I cannot say much about SSI but, I have noticed that their qualification process is much less intrusive than what someone would experience while on SSDI IMHO...

I'm so sorry in the way that Social Security Disability treated you!!! Especially when people like the ones Brent mentioned earlier are being qualified for benefits who really don't deserve it!!! Are you at least qualified for SSI? I don't really want to intrude into your privacy but it sounds like you're being Bamboozled, Hoodwinked and just plain misled if you're not!!! Because, you should be most definitely deserve to be qualified for benefits from SSI, unless you are working on the books either full or part time and the amount you're earning is above what they say becomes substantial work activity... They certainly have really weird rules IMHO!

Parent - - By JLWelding (***) Date 11-11-2012 02:42
I got one for ya, I bailed about 900 square bales last month and needed some help hauling it in. So here I go thinking I will look for someone thats not working and out of a job because there out there, right?
I found this guy that used to work in the local hardware store, well I ask what happen to the hardware store job? He twisted his knee pretty bad and so he filed workman comp. Well he was out over six months and they let him go down at the store. He is bragging about how he is on ssi and working on the side. After picking up 900 bales and stacking in the barn, walking beside the trailer this guy dont even walk with a limp. Needless to say he wont work on my place again, I wish I had known this ahead of time.:mad: I found out later his wife is doing the same thing.
I went out and looked for someone that needed some work and this is what I came up with. It's sad man, this guy gets ssi and some guy down the road that really needs it cant. This crap's got to stop, or at least slow down :mad:
Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 11-11-2012 03:53
You should report him if you feel that strongly about it. I would, and never think twice about it. The State has Investigators that do NOTHING but investigate this type of fraud. If you would like, I can post the numbers for you.
Parent - - By JLWelding (***) Date 11-11-2012 19:45
Well, I dont know if he is full of ---- or if he is on ssi. Yea I will call it in but it's just the thing is he lieing or what, I guess they will look into it. I just dont wont him coming back and sugar my tanks on my farm equip. there lies my position.
PM me some numbers
Parent - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 11-11-2012 22:02
I good 12 Ga and a strong Flashlight will deter the Sugar Bandit. If he is Full of it. He should not have been talking sh*t
Parent - By Superflux (****) Date 11-12-2012 16:32
Should have hired competent Union help. United Farm Workers.
These guys are professionals that specialize in helping to get the crops in.
Parent - - By SMTatham (**) Date 11-11-2012 04:04
It's FRAUD pure & simple.  Drop the dime.
Parent - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 11-11-2012 06:13 Edited 11-11-2012 21:55
I agree 1,000,000,000% That guy is a Deuchbag plain and simple!!!

Henry                      EDIT: I forgot to put in the commas up where the number of percent I used.
Parent - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 11-11-2012 06:09
A person needs 40 credits, 20 have to be earned in the last 10 years before the disability starts to be elgibile for disability.

You can only earn 4 credits per year.

During the tech boom, I decided to goof off and live on investment income starting in '91. After the 2000 crash, 9-11-01, and Enron  I had  come to realise that there was not going to be a rapid recovery.

I started working full time in Jan. '04 and was diagnosed in Feb. '04. I continued to work part time as I was being treated, and after surgeries I was available as needed provided I was "up to it". I continued the as needed stuff for several years on chemo breaks & good days.

I was working for a friend doing all sorts of smaller trades jobs, started as laying out a construction project, then metal fab, mechanical, electrical, plumbing & hvac. I was His in house guy for jobs that didn't really NEED a contractor.

His busness [garden center & rental busness & residential space] has fallen on hard times since the last crash, He has left go a lot of help, sold off some equipment, making no further expansions and defering non essential maintnance.

I have been on My own medical insurance since when I left the plant in '91, which turned out to be a good thing considering the duration of My illness, and that I would not be able to work a full time job.

The situation is what it is, I am not destitute yet, and don't regret the time I spent fron July '91 through '03.
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / REALLY ??????????????????????????

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