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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / A FORD Dealers Sickening report
- - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 11-13-2012 16:29
To All,

This is a prime example of  that 47% Mr. Romney spoke about; who will not vote for him no matter what he says or does. They are the section of our population that pays $0.00 in taxes, but can receive an income of $42,000. per year for doing absolutely nothing like this woman does.

There are lots of people in our country who work their ***es off and don't make that much and then pay taxes on what they earn.

I can see why they all like the Hope and Change plan!!

This is exactly why Mitt
Romney said that 40 some % of the people are too dependent on the
government. They have learned to work the system. A Ford Dealer's Report
From Tom Selkis' (Latham Ford) Facebook.... True story yesterday at the
dealership.... "I'll try to make this as short and to the point as I
can. One of my salesmen here had a woman in his office yesterday wanting
to lease a brand new Focus. As he was reviewing her credit app with her
he noticed she was on social security disability. He said to her you
don't look like you're disabled and unable to work. She said well, I'm
really not, I could work if I wanted to but I make more now than I did
when I was working and got hurt (non-disabling injury). She said the
gov't sends her $1500.00 a month in 1 check, she gets $700.00 a month on
an EBT card (food stamps), and $800.00 a month for rent. Oh yeah and 250
minutes free on her (free?) phone. That is just south of $3500.00 a
month. When she was working she was taking home about $330.00 per week.
Do the math and then ask yourself why should she go back to work. If you
multiply that by millions of people you start to realize the scope of
the problem we face as a country. Once the socialist have 51% of the
population in that same scenario we are finished. The question is when
do we cross that threshold if we haven't already, and there are not
enough people working to pay enough taxes to support the non-working
people? Riots?? Be prepared to protect your homes. She didn't lease the
Focus here because the dealer down the road beat our deal $by
10.00/month. Glad to know she is so frugal with her hard-earned money."
Parent - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 11-14-2012 02:33 Edited 11-14-2012 19:09
Man do they need to fix SSI!!! That system is indeed broken... I believe that story!!! I really do!

These scumbags are the very reason some ignorant fools in here and else where, have this notion that everybody who is disabled is doing the very same thing that the woman? in the story that Dwayne just posted is doing - which is committing FRAUD!!!!

Well, I'm here to explain to you that those people are all on Supplemental Security Insurance, and are supposed to be only temporarily disabled unless they don't qualify for Social Security Disability Insurance because they didn't work long enough or even worked at all so they get much less than what I do on a monthly basis and are eligible for subsidized housing, food stamps, and the like, and yet this has been going on way before Obama became President...

So you can't really blame him for starting the abuses that have been around since he was still in his diapers and has been going on in the USA since Nixon was President! Then there's quite a few who are legitimately disabled on a permanent basis who do deserve help because of the extent of their disabilities, and the fact that they do not abuse the system by doing all, or more of the stuff that woman does... 

SSDI otherwise known as Social Security Disability Insurance which is what I am on as well as many other folks who have worked and paid into this system of insurance all of their working lives, and are awarded their disability status after being denied of it for the first five months, and then sent a letter of appeal to fight the initial decision because their criteria for being qualified as being disabled is much more strict than the criteria, if any is used for SSI...

The other reason they deny just about anyone is because the program is sooo backlogged that they must slow down the process in order to qualify the folks in the worst condition first and then work their way up the chain of applicants until they sort of catch up but they really never stayed caught up and many folks who really need help do not get it in time and lose their homes, their businesses if they paid into the system, or they die which is sad because it was preventable!!!

This a program that helps folks who are truly disabled, one cannot fake it in this program for any extended time frame because they do frequent enough audits on each disabled person who's been awarded SSDI, and yet some of the most ignorant folks I know, some in here, some out there, think the SSI & SSDI are the same program and that's simply not true!!! SSDI PATIENTS also get MEDICARE NOT MEDICAID, after WAITING FOR THE FIRST TWO YEARS THAT THEY ARE ON SSDI, and this is big difference!!!

Patients on MEDICARE do not get their health care for free, they also do not get their medicines for free either and there's also a donut hole that will eventually be eliminated but at the present time, it's still around! I'll give you an example; I get less than 2,000 a month from SSDI... I pay over 250.00 a month in premiums for health insurance... I also pay out of pocket over600.00 a month in medicines to stay alive... this totals close to 900.00 a month which leaves me only 1,100.00 a month to pay for gas for the car, rent for my apartment, food on my table and the rest for durable medical equipment...

After this, I have practically nothing left over to enjoy any sort of entertainment other than what I already have in my apartment... I cannot tell you when was the last time was able to afford going to a local restaurant to enjoy a meal, or to go out and paint the town BLUE because I do not drink anymore... In fact, it's been 22 years since I had my last one and I'm not itching to start anytime soon either thank you!!! So if anyone's got any notion that SSDI or Medicare is a crooked program, then you're full of it because I personally know better - CAPECHE!!!

So please folks! Don't jump to conclusions about every one on SSDI, or every person who's disabled who you come across because none of us brag about being disabled and on SSDI... Only P.O.S do, and they're all on SSI... However, that doesn't mean that everyone that's on SSI are crooked, or are not disabled because that simply isn't true!

- By texwelder (***) Date 11-14-2012 12:39
Guys it goes way deeper than that you would believe the parents that actually have jobs but lie about it so their kids can get free lunch at school. Also 800 a month is the low end I own rent houses and HUD pays 1200 a month that's the reason all mine are 1300 a month or more to weed those out.  Plus I know a 21yr old white kid that has two brand new truck has a job but guess who paid for kid to be born you got it us he had it on Medicaid. And you wouldn't believe the men sitting in prison getting checks from the government.
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / A FORD Dealers Sickening report

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