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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / AWS Learning & Education / Due to budget cuts to schools
- - By cavalier Date 01-28-2003 20:03
I'm a welder with 2 sons and wanted to know how to get in touch with any corporate or private group willing to donate small mig machine and torch rig to local high school auto shop. I am willing to donate some money but am limited to amount. We are in So. Cal. a state with budget problems that will cause school budget cuts. Any help to preserve youth exposure to the welding field is appreciated.
Parent - - By dee (***) Date 01-28-2003 23:08
If you are considering getting a charitable contribution from the equipment manufacturers themselves telephone them and ask who to contact at the factory for that purpose (charitible donations) and their address.

If you are at a public school in SoCal I may be able to steer you toward at least one possibility. They'd need to be able to contact you to verify the details, so I would need the specifics. Email me, but dont get your hopes up too high.

It would seem to me a service dealer for any of the major welder companies would be happy to help you with a suitable used rig especially if it had their name on it- they'd be making new customers in the bargain... yellow pages and personal contact will help.

Verifying the purpose the equipment will be put is always a necessity- there are a lot of scams going on out there.

I'd also hope somebody around the school system would have access to a directory of charitible institutions; a county librarian might also help.

Good luck and regards
Parent - - By cavalier Date 01-29-2003 00:14
Thank you for your reply D. It is a public high school with a new shop teacher. I had in mind an SP machine or a 225 amp wirefeed for chassis repair, body repair, and general fabrication, with possibly a journeyman type torch set up. If this works it could be possible to expand to more extensive welding such as TIG and SMAW. I have approached my companies welding suppliers but nobody seemed willing. Maybe I wasn't aggressive enough.I would like to try your possible contact and am willing to do any foot work needed.I will also follw up on your other suggestions.

Thanks Again
Parent - - By dee (***) Date 01-29-2003 02:52
already made a first telephone call to CA to get things rolling.

also dont forget another option: loan for a couple of weeks per semester or even perhaps a rental... it braodens your options.

Parent - By Michael Sherman (***) Date 01-29-2003 12:17
Try going straight to Lincoln Electric in Cleveland Ohio. Start with the welding school, the instructors are all long time employees and can point you in the right direction. I have hired several people from this school and I know they donate alot of equipment to Vocational schools. 1-216-383-2259

Mike Sherman
Parent - By dee (***) Date 01-30-2003 03:59
I requested a contact person at the school you described, by email. I can understand why you might be apprehensive about giving out your own personal information over the internet, but I am at a loss to figure why you havnt given me at least the principals name and address of the school by now unlesss the email didnt get out right or you misunderstood. Naturally I am working under the premise that your request was authorized and in all ways bona-fide. I have to deal with this call I made for you, so please get back to me soon.
Parent - By slabby (*) Date 03-07-2003 18:08
Lincoln Electric Donates machines to scools participating in some automotive frane welding certification program because they get a lot of business in the turn around by certifiing people.
Parent - By PamelaBatson Date 06-04-2004 22:08
I don't have any equipment, but I have a large 6-horse/stock trailer located in Davis, CA that I would really love to donate to a welding class somewhere. I need to have the trailer moved very soon and am running out of ideas. It is a gooseneck and can travel a short distance (a few miles), but would have to be hauled if going very far. Please help...any ideas?
Thanks, Pam
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / AWS Learning & Education / Due to budget cuts to schools

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