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- - By 803056 (*****) Date 11-16-2012 18:31 Edited 11-19-2012 23:08
Well, FabTech has come to a close.

It was a great event this year. I was able to meet Brent and his son for the first time and I was able to meet up with folks I haven't seen in a few years. It was like, well, maybe a family reunion of welder/welding geeks.

I lost my badge in the first hour or so. I went back to the booths I had visited, but to no avail. Final one young lady said, "I don't have your badge, but someone left theirs behind.” For the rest of the morning I was Ives from Louisiana. To make matters more interesting, I was looking for Brent.

My good friend Tim K. from Rhode Island was with me. He said, "You have no idea what this guy Brent looks like. He has no idea what you look like and to top it off you have someone else's name tag. How is he going to recognize you?"

I used my new cell phone as a homing beacon. Brent kept talking and I did the same until we bumped into each other. I guess you could call it an instrument landing using a homing beacon. "I'm next to the AWS booth."

"I can see the AWS banner."

"Keep walking toward it."

"I see you talking on the cell phone."

"Yup, that's me."

I got propositioned while I was on the floor looking at the exhibits. This gorgeous girl asked me, “Would you like to play?” She had this big beautiful smile and I thought I must not have heard her correctly, so I said, “What?”

Again, she said, “Would you like to play?”

I was in heaven for just a moment and the fact that I’m married shook me by my shoulder. My wife’s words haunted once again, “I don’t care where you are, if you screw around I will find out!” I once told her that before I died I wanted to make love to a woman with large breasts. She snapped back that if she caught me it would be the death of me. It is so nice to be loved. Back to the story: With the second repetition of “Do you want to play?” I shot back with, “Honey, I would love to play, but I’m already married.”

As it turned out, she wasn’t interested in me. She was asking me if I wanted to pull the lever on the robot to spin the wheels on the oversized slot machine. See I can’t even get lucky in Las Vegas.

I got even with her after she crushed my hopes and dreams. During the last few hours of the show, when most of the exhibitors were packing it in, I walked over to her booth expecting her to ask me if I wanted to play. She didn’t, so I stepped up to pull the lever. As she started to say, “Sir, the machine isn’t ……..” I pulled the lever, shook violently, and screamed. She thought I was getting electrocuted (as did everyone else within 30-feet of us). She screamed as I screamed and she immediately left the floor to put on a clean pair of undies.

I’m telling you, I had a great time at the show.

I stopped by a booth from China. They had replacement parts for torches and welding guns on display. I didn’t see any contact tips for the GMAW guns, so I asked her if they also made contact tips. She said no, but if I sent her sample, they could make as many copies exactly like the original in a couple of days. Can you say “Patent Violation”?

Committee work took up most of my time, but I did have enough time to see the welding side of the exhibits. I never did get to go over to see the fabrication side of the exhibits. Not that I plan on buying any equipment, but is always informative to see what is new.

I did just buy a new piece of equipment for a project I will be starting next year. It arrived on a flatbed trailer this morning.  It is a concrete buggy on steroids. It is the newest addition to my "construction fleet.” My neighbors must hate me when I crank everything up. I know my wife would rather spend the money on other “essentials” I can hear her words now, “But don’t you think it would be nice if we could replace the cement blocks and plank with a real couch?” or “Wouldn’t it be nice to have a car that we don’t have to start by rolling it down a hill?” Women, always looking for creature comforts.

I was thinking about building an articulated four wheeled mini-dumper when I came cross this mini-dumper while looking at a link someone listed here on the Forum. I thought it was exactly what I was going to build, except it was already built and cost a lot less than what I had planned to build and it already runs.

Next project: mounting a snow plow on the new old machine!

Best regard - Al
Parent - - By welderbrent (*****) Date 11-18-2012 00:58
Well Al,

You beat me to it.  We spent a couple of extra days just relaxing in Vegas after the show.  My wife lost both her mom and dad last month so we just played slackers for a couple of days.  At least we got to change locations, moved out of the Stratosphere and went to our Las Vegas option of Resorts on our time share.  Much better accomodations, wish we had just stayed there the whole time. 

Anyway, another great show and opportunities for seminars from AWS.

But, as you said, really nice seeing old friends, acquaintances, and meeting many new ones... of which you obviously were one of the new ones but are now one of the 'OLD' ones  :lol: .   And definitely a 'FRIEND'.  It was great meeting you and spending part of the day wandering the show floor with you and harrassing the sales people.  :lol: :wink:  After that time I couldn't think of a better way to get to know someone and spend the day.  It was great fun.  Besides, I learned a lot about equipment as well as the person I was with. 

Thanks for taking the time to look me up.  It was indeed a special event to me.  You have been a great instructor through this forum and are just as great a person to spend time with. 

And while I am at it, AWS staff was just as helpful and great as ever.  It was a great show all around.  And I am very pleased with the changes and result of the 'Why's and How's of WPS's' Seminar by Dr. Scott Helzer.  I personally think it needs to be a two day seminar.  Dr Helzer really had to cram especially with the over 100 attendees for the class. 

Have a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 11-18-2012 18:48
Hey Brent,

Glad you enjoyed the show.

I'm very sorry you had to meet Al. 

I'm also sorry you had a hard time finding him..  If only I had known I could have helped you,, You see I once had to discover his whearabouts in a welding expo myself.

Just seek out the unfortunate looking fellow in suspenders... (it really does narrow it down)

Really though... His wife must have forseen his earning/life insurance potential through a fortune teller back in the olden days, because there is no other explaination for the man to have a mate.

Typed in the spirit of jocularity   (which in no way invalidates the truth of the matter)
Parent - - By welderbrent (*****) Date 11-18-2012 20:47
LOL  :lol:  :wink: 

It was an interesting experience to say the least.  Especially for two such vertically challenged individuals to find each other without knowing what one another looks like and with so many visual obstructions.  :roll:  :wink: 

But it was very worthwhile.  Al is a person truly worthy of the position of 'Friend'.  And even more so now than with just internet conversations I truly consider him a friend. 

Have a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 11-19-2012 23:27
Hey there Brent.

I'm glad to hear you enjoyed the show.

I have to say I didn't realize you were vertically challenged. I just figured there were a lot of very tall people in Las Vegas.

Where were you this year Lawrence? I expected to see you hanging around the skills competition. Based on the samples I saw I have to say there are some very skilled young welders coming into the work force. Hey buddy, you wouldn't stand so tall if you didn't wear stilettos!

I saw Jeff P. at the skills competition. A bunch of us from New England had dinner together on Tuesday. I met a fellow NE’er that built several replicas of the Wright Brother's airplane for a presentation on Discovery Channel. Some really interesting conversation where he told us about casting aluminum engine parts using the lost wax method.

I met the first welder without an attitude while walking the show floor. I'll see if I can attach a photograph.

See you at the show next year!

Best regards - Al
Parent - By Lawrence (*****) Date 11-20-2012 00:14 Edited 11-20-2012 00:18
Moratorium on out of state travel this year... Ratz

We are planning a push for Skills USA in the spring... But our state rep is refusing to return emails so I think they know what were up to   :)      We don't spend a minute of class time on competention prep... They need to come in on their own time if they want to compete.  But we have a few first semester students who seem to fit the mold and will be in a good position next semester.

  I'm at home by the wood stove reading Anna Karenina,,, So things could be worse

I regret every expo that I miss.
Parent - - By welderbrent (*****) Date 11-20-2012 15:03
Yeah, tall people like your buddy Tim?  Another new friend, thanks for introducing us. 

BTW Al, you had a lunch coupon when we ate on Monday, and I kept missing you the rest of the show... SSSOOO...

I STILL OWE YOU THAT CUP OF TEA!!  Now we have to try to do this again.  At least I know what you look like now.

Have a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 11-20-2012 15:31
Most of my friends are tall people, but I like them anyway. :wink: However, I do enjoy dancing with tall women! :red:

See you next year in Atlanta!

That's right, you old dog! I forgot all about the tea. You must have missed me on purpose during lunch. I ate at the Bistro every day, but at different times just in case someone was lying in wait. You just never know when scoundrels and scallywags like Lawrence or Scrappy might pop up. :cool:

It is always fun to run into someone you know or recently met while walking the show floor. There isn't enough time to spend as much time as you would like with everyone. The section officer's reception is a good place to see old friends. You get to meet and greet the officers of AWS as well as old friends.

Best regards - Al
Parent - - By welderbrent (*****) Date 11-20-2012 20:33
Isn't next year back in Chicago?  I thought that was the rotation... Chicago every other year with the in betweens rotating between Lost Wages and Atlanta. 

Anyway,  sure hope so sir.

Have a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - - By Stringer (***) Date 11-21-2012 00:02
Kinda sorry I missed this one, more for networking than equipment perusal. I just hate spending the money to walk around looking at the same thing I saw in Chicago or Detroit, when all I really want is a wireless heliarc torch and they never have one. Wished I could have hooked up with a couple guys from the forum, but heck, I've still got a car and a phone. I don't need AWS's permission to meet people. But then it's only Tuesday.
Parent - By welderbrent (*****) Date 11-21-2012 13:19
What, OH NO, You didn't get the memo!!???  You have to run approval in triplicate through 3 separate AWS Committees before you can get authorization to meet someone you don't already know while attending FabTech.  And it must be submitted at least 4 months in advance so they can do the proper background checks to make sure you aren't some kind of.....  :twisted:.

:lol: :roll: :wink: 

I have totally enjoyed both this year and last year's FabTech Conventions.  But I know what you mean, the internet and a phone are a lot cheaper.  Personally, as a Section Chairman, Section Certification Committee Chairman, Company Owner, CWI, etc I have many reasons to take the time and go.  And AWS offers many valuable seminars and other PHD opportunities while there to help us in our job.  Especially when it was within 5 hrs driving time how could I pass this one up. 

Have a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - By 803056 (*****) Date 11-21-2012 02:54
You're probably right. I know it isn't in Las Vegas!

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