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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / More Turbo Cad
- - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 11-19-2012 15:16
You folks using turbo cad I've got a question for you.

I'll use mine mostly for handrail and b.s as I'm tired of having to draw components out with my other software and was hoping having the dwg option from TurboCad as a benefit.

Trying to download dwg files from King and import them into drawings so I can show clients the proposed finished drawings.

Any thoughts, helpful hints? Still have to watch many tutorials though.....
Parent - By OBEWAN (***) Date 11-19-2012 15:32
The first thing I would look at is block inserts.  In AutoCAD a block or wblock can be created from any drawing or windowed portion of a drawing.  The commands are "create block" and "insert block" and you go from there by inserting a block that is nothing more than a named file.

TurboCAD also supports blocks but I have not looked into the specifics yet.  I just got my copy late Friday afternoon.  The tutorials are a bit long.  I have 200 of them.

It might be faster to just look up the how to in the help file index as needs arise.  The only issue with that is you have to know what you are looking for first.
Parent - - By 65 Pipeliner (**) Date 11-19-2012 21:25

Have you looked at the ornamental pro software? Their website is Looks like a reasonable price.

Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 11-20-2012 00:53 Edited 11-20-2012 00:56

Yeah, I've actually got that too but some of the ornamental stuff from suppliers is a real long process to lay out. Wish I could just buy a cd with all of kings stuff in it! I can really whip out some stuff with OP but when you have to plot new items it's time consuming for sure. That's why I bought the TurboCad today, it supports dwg's,, 123's and so on. Got it figured out this morning to get a design laid out for a client and think it was quicker than OP once I got it figured out as I could just save the dwg file from king and put it in my drawing and adjust it as needed.


I was in a hurry this morning trying to get a design for a clients railing, led to a splurge buy of TurboCad. Got what I needed figured out but like you it seems I have about 50 hours of tutorials to fall asleep....I mean, to watch...intently! Think it looks really good, have thoughts of designing my lead reels using it! Just have to get all of this pesky work out of the way!
Parent - - By 65 Pipeliner (**) Date 11-20-2012 15:03

What version of turbocad did you get? Abd did the tutorial videos come with it? I currently use version 12 deluxe.

Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 11-20-2012 16:29
Latest and greatest. Got an email with an offer for under $100 for the TurboCad 19. Thought about it for about 2 weeks until yesterday when I knew I was going to spend the day plotting points on drawings to use the other software.

I get some time I'll watch vids and maybe teach myself how to use it!
Parent - - By OBEWAN (***) Date 11-20-2012 16:41
Last week I bought TurboCAD 17 from a supplier on Amazon for only $38 and when it came and I logged in they gave me a free upgrade to V19.  I now have both versions.

But they may be out of the $38 offer by now.

Amazon might be the best place to shop since they will list multiple suppliers competing for business in one search.  And they usually have free shipping for $25 or more.  The typical price for V17 on Amazon is around $89.  But I guess the unknown is if you get the upgrade offer.  When I installed the software it said limited time offer.  And I was not expecting it in advance.
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 11-20-2012 16:56
I paid $89 for my v19, was way cheaper than my Ornamental Pro software but two different creatures. I didn't think about Amazon but as you said, would I have gotten the free upgrade? Looks pretty sweet, one thing however, I need to invest in a larger monitor I can plug my laptop into! It's like trying to find a mouse in hay field at 3000 feet sometimes! Spent most of the day staring at this screen and when I went in the house I had a wanger of a headache!
Parent - - By OBEWAN (***) Date 11-20-2012 17:15
On the TV news last night they said that I think Sears will have 32" HDTV's for $97 on Black Friday.  That might work as a monitor.  But they may only have 2 for sale and there will be a bloodbath stampede when the doors open.  Here in Jacksonville people camp in the parking lots in tents for 3 or 4 days to get a place in line.  It is really crazy!
Parent - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 11-20-2012 21:38
I've never been to a black friday event. They have never had anything worth doing that in my eyes. I see the "cattle" on the news in the malls and such and just laugh. Besides, if I buy a monitor for the office....Uncle Sam will get the deduction receipt!! LOL!!
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / More Turbo Cad

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