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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / AUTOCAD DRAWINGS AND 3-D MODELS FOR YOUR COMPANY
- - By GQ COWBOY (*) Date 12-06-2012 17:18
Good morning, my fellow tradesman, I've been using AutoCAD for about 16 yrs, as well as Pro-E 3D software..
I'm a welder by trade as well...I currently work as a Product Designer for a company, which we build mud pump packages..

I'm wanting to start offering designs and drawings for you all, Would it be a help to you all, if you could send
the info to me, and have the drawing finish in hours and sent back to you in drawing format..
That would allow you, to work on things, you need done at your shop. Woukld that help cut down your time
on a project...
I've done city code drawing, for handicap, handrails, lay-outs of steel buildings. The 3D drawings will allow your customer
to see it before you build it...
I just wanted to get some feedback, from the Pro's out there...meaning you all..
I have welded with Cactusthewelder a few years back, down in Galveston.

Well, thanks for looking..
good luck out there...
Dawson aka GQ COWBOY
Parent - By hillbilly delux (***) Date 12-08-2012 03:34
In short yes. My laptop has been in the shop till monday and have been itching to give a more detailed answer to many topics and since i am ten hours from the house. Well you get the idea. So are you looking for feed back from the contractor or looking at the prospect of getting your job off to an early start? The answer to both of those questions are yes that is a benifiet.
Parent - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 12-09-2012 22:40
Sounds neat but on residential handrail and such keeping the cost down to compete with the wankers with no insurance, no business license and things like that an added expense would not work for me. I've got 4-5 houses, two so-so and two high end I have to price out and asked if they had architectural drawings of what the homeowner/builder wanted as far as handrail and got a big

On bigger stuff such as buildings and things there are usually engineered drawings to go by. Maybe there are other guys that would find this useful. For my business though it sounds like an added expense on something that is already hard to sell and make money on in the residential area. Priced one out last week. Guy wanted me to pull of miracles, had another guy out there who would not do it like he wanted so they called me. I gave him a price to do it exactly as he wanted it with no complaints or changes. He emailed me back to tell me to sharpen my pencil and work on my numbers. I emailed him back and basically told him not on my life, the numbers are what they are.

You might find a nitch in bigger projects or maybe high end rail but seems most guys have designs from architects to go by. Smaller stuff like I do just not enough margin to include a guy to do drawings on top of the steel supplier, powder coater, ornamental supplier.

Good luck though, I'm sure you'll drum up some business with bigger things maybe.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / AUTOCAD DRAWINGS AND 3-D MODELS FOR YOUR COMPANY

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