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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Prayers for the family of a guy I worked with..!!
- - By rcwelding (***) Date 12-10-2012 00:17
I am sorry if this is off topic for this section of the forum but I know most guys read this portion so I decided to post it here..

  I have been working in a rig yard for the last three months in there pump shop.. There was a young man that was a helper in the shop who was a very quiet kid..  He helped me quite often and seemed like a generally good kid.. 

  I cant say that we were close friends but we worked together every day. He celebrated his 21st birthday on Thursday Dec 6th 2012.  We have been working Seven twelves and sometimes fourteen hr days for the last six weeks and now we have the rig pretty much finished so they let me go home early that Thursday for a long weekend home..

  As I was leaving he came over to wish me a happy weekend and we talked for a few minutes about how much we were looking forward to the Texans, New England football game Tomorrow night..  I wished him a happy birthday and wished him a fun evening..

Well Saturday Morning I get a call that he went to a family members house Friday evening where he and his brother in law got in an argument. They said they didn't fight or anything and the argument seemed to be over.  They both walk outside and the brother in law pulls a gun shooting him in the head killing him instantly..

I know this doesn't have anything to do with welding but It shook me up and I thought I would share this story in hopes that some of you would say a prayer for this family..

Life is short guys and you never know when its your turn to go.. We work a lot of hours and are away from our families way too much..

Live your life without regrets the best you can and let those you love know what they mean to you..!!!
Parent - - By texwelder (***) Date 12-10-2012 02:48
If you don't mind me asking where did all this take place.  Where are y'all working at .  And I will pray you are are right tho nobody is promised tomorrow.
Parent - By rcwelding (***) Date 12-11-2012 14:45
The rig yard is in Houston.. But he was shot down in South Texas by McAllen.

We had a moment of silence for him at our morning safety meeting yesterday and set his hard hat and gloves in the middle of the room..

It was a rough morning..!!!!!!

   The rig is pretty much done and they were getting ready to lay off welders at the end of this week and they didn't really need me so I told them I was going to leave and head home to my family till after the New Year..  Im home now.

  We start a new rig right after the first.
Parent - - By welderbrent (*****) Date 12-10-2012 03:41
Our sympathy goes out to all the family, including the family of the brother in law who will now be without him as well.  Praying for God's will to be accomplished in the lives of each one.

Truly, we don't know the number of our days.  Only God does.  I can't make decisions for you but hope to encourage you with this, God is in control of all things and all things work together for good.  We just need to take the time to see His hand and try to get past ourselves and see the bigger picture for others.  What do they need?  How can I help them?  A shoulder to cry on?  A listening ear?  Sometimes even a little money goes a long way in helping people through these times.

But at a minimum...Prayers are being said from our family to God for this family and all involved.

Parent - By eekpod (****) Date 12-10-2012 11:51
What a shame.
And yes your right, there are alot of people who spend alot of time away from home and you never know what may happen.

Parent - By jrw159 (*****) Date 12-10-2012 12:59
  Prayers sent for both families.

Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 12-10-2012 13:07 Edited 12-10-2012 13:11
I'm glad that you thought enough of us here to bring your story in for discussion. Sometimes when things happen close to us we need to ask "why?". I have found myself asking these same questions when going through similar experiences. I won't pretend to have any answers for you, but I can understand wanting to share your experience. It doesn't matter the cause of death we humans try to figure who, what, why, and how and try to decipher all of the facts....maybe it's curiosity, or maybe we want to try to understand so we can help someone else...I don't know, but wanting to share these things with others is completely natural. I'm just glad that you think enough of us here to want to share with us.

edit: prayers sent from Virginia
Parent - - By unclematt (***) Date 12-12-2012 15:32
Hello RC,
My condolences to the family and all involved. Prayers are sent up. Sometimes sitting down and getting this stuff out your head has a great effect. As has been said, life is short and we don't know when our number is pulled. Everyday of the year and especially at this time, let the ones you know know what they mean to you. When someone so young is taken, it doesn't make sense. As hard as it is sometimes, we have to trust the the Big Man above has it figured out. Maybe He saw how good of a helper he was down here and figured He needed some help Up On High and he could do just as good for Him. I don't know.

Have a good one;
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 12-13-2012 00:19
People are just getting looney here recently. The guy in Oregon yesterday, this guy, the other guy a few weeks ago. Starting to think that this planet could use a good meteor strike....a big one. Sorry about your friend.
Parent - - By qcrobert (***) Date 12-13-2012 13:45
I know what you mean Shawn.  Have a couple of friends who were at the Clackamas Mall and luckily had left shortly before the shooting incident.

With the shootings this year on college campuses, movie theater and malls, my wife no longer questions my ritual of carrying a 9mm pistol 24/7.  Only time not on my side is when in the shower, at work or in bed and even then it's my "iron pillow."

Back to the OP, my thoughts & prayers go out to you, your departed friend and all those affected by this unnecessary, tragic loss.

Parent - By Stringer (***) Date 12-14-2012 02:29's so hard to make sense...
Parent - By Tex (**) Date 12-24-2012 07:12
Man, that is a tough one. Situations like that really make a person stop and think.
I just read the story to the "Native" as well as your comments afterwards.
She may get tired of hearing me call out for no reason, "Hey babe, I love you", but if something should ever happen, she will atleast know how I feel about her. I am very blessed to have the woman and comforts that I have, and I suspect each of you are blessed in similar ways. It is sad that it takes something like this to remind each of us of our blessings.

My prayers have been sent to the family and all involved.

Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Prayers for the family of a guy I worked with..!!

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