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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Job change
- - By jason ritnour (*) Date 12-22-2012 22:55
Im currently a structural and miscelaneous ironworker. Ive been at it over 10 years and good at what i do. I would like to make a change in jobs and go into working with pipefitting and welding of pipe in which i have very little experiance with. I can fit and weld anything structural and passed numerous ut test already running stick . What i am wondering is how would the experience that i have carryover into that world of work. Ive learned a lot from this site and value everybodies opinion here.
Parent - By Lawrence (*****) Date 12-22-2012 23:42
Your experience will probably transfer very well.

If you are a union Ironworker... Get yourself to the nearest steamfitters hall and take advantage of the free training that AFLCIO union brothers and sisters share  :)

If non union... find a job as a helper... but be choosey who you go to work for... Pick somebody who knows and agrees with exactly what your after, and how good you already are.

If you are working steady now... Maybe it's a good time to take a pipe class at the local community college.. Take a more planned approach to the pipe trades.

If you are good... and it sounds like you are... You have choices.
- - By jason ritnour (*) Date 12-23-2012 04:47
I appreciate the reply. Im not in the union nothing againts them im actually for them but here in Houston i make more than if i were. I been thinking for a while of joining a welding program here while i work its just my hours alot of times i get up at 5 in the mourning and make it home around 8 in the evening. Thats why i was wondering if i went to work for a pipe company whether it be refinery, oil field ,or pipeline if i would make the transition well. As far being a helper thats were i would want to start coming from a school or not to learn the ropes and learn whats expected and be well rounded. Before i jump in head deep i just want to make that i will better myself now and for the long run. I know their are no guarantees in life just want to try to pull the odds in my favor.
Parent - By Lawrence (*****) Date 12-23-2012 05:18
Well now that we know you are a Texan

There are plenty of fellas that post here from your country.
Parent - By Rafter_G_Weldin (***) Date 12-23-2012 16:11
Theres lots of refineries and rig yards in Houston find a rig yard pass the test and fake it til you make it pipe is just round plate. Buy you a truck and machine snd get after it
Parent - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 12-23-2012 16:15
All you need is the will and drive to do it. I was a mechanic(almost 20 years) with about 1-2 years welding experience under my belt at a heavy equipment shop, welding school at a tech college and that was the extent of my experience. I weld for local gas companies, regulators, meters, new lines and repairs. Do structural, process piping, chill water and stretching out into a new horizon here next week on something a little more exclusive. Sheer determination and hardwork will take you further than you think. Still working on one of the big distribution companies around here but they are a little tougher nut to crack. I just keep on popping in there from time to time and bother the secretary, ask where the head honcho is and leave my card again. Figure I'll beat them into submission where they will test me and then it will be up to me.

10 years Ironworking and sounds like you should be able to jump fairly easy. Only thing is can you weld in circles? Beat that and everything else can be figured out or learned. Good luck!!

- - By jason ritnour (*) Date 12-23-2012 19:39
I already have a work truck and machines and tons of tools that i aquired over the years. I just dont know many people in the trade and have zero contacts. My main thing is making sure that i stay busy and maybe find something with benefits and a retirement for later on. I know being a rig welder finding steady work is hard and then ad in the benefits and things is very probley unlikely if it even exist. But if i could i would like to keep my truck and tools and keep working them instead of selling. I have worked hard to get what i have as far as my home and things and dont want to loose them. As far as the welding part goes i am going to have to start working on going in a circle it might be just another plate thats round im just not use to it. Have to work on making the transitions as i go around and get some experiance behind me. Thanks for the replys happy holidays everybody.
Parent - - By rcwelding (***) Date 12-23-2012 23:32
Do you have a welding machine in your truck.. If so what kind of welder..  Roughly where in Houston do you live or want to work..??
Parent - - By hojopens3 (**) Date 12-24-2012 01:06
whats up RC
Parent - - By rcwelding (***) Date 12-24-2012 20:19
Hows life Mr. Hojo..?? You doing all right..??   I bet its nice to be home eating real food for Christmas and not eating fish heads..LOL
Parent - - By hojopens3 (**) Date 12-24-2012 23:23
going good rc, been home since nov.1 on standby drawing a check, got a truck rigged out since i been home, just in case they dont call back, Merry Cristmas to you and yours

P/s never did devolpe a taste for them fishheads
Parent - By rcwelding (***) Date 12-25-2012 00:31
Glad you got to come home for Thanksgiving and Christmas Ho Jo.. Merry Christmas to you too and thank you..!!
- - By jason ritnour (*) Date 12-24-2012 02:12
Right at the moment i have a company machine in my truck. But my personal machines are both lincolns ones a 200 that i been building with a perkins the other is a 400. I live about 30 miles north of Houston in Splendora. I dont mind traveling if it is worth it.
Parent - By rcwelding (***) Date 12-24-2012 20:54
There are plenty of guys in Houston that are good pipeline hands that can help you..

Find some scrap 6in pipe and invest in a beveling machine then start practicing ..

I have been working in a rig yard in Houston for a while.. I weld on pipe all the time.. That being said I am NOT a pipeline hand.. I can show you what I know and get you started but there are a LOT of guys that are better hands on this Forum that can show you so much more.. I am going to get away from the rig yards this spring and just focus on pipe for a couple of years my self..

If you just want to work in rig yards it's 90% structural with 10% pipe so you could probably get along pretty good in one..

Most of the tests to get in a Rig yards are pipe tests so you will have to learn to pass the test but after that you should be ok.

Rig Yards are a whole different world.. If they don't have all there material in you will be working 40hr a week then when all the material hits you start working 7 days a week 12 to 14hr a day through Thanksgiving and Christmas or 4th of July till the rig gos out..!!

  I worked a bunch of 80hr weeks with a few 90+ hr weeks.. You will be working your butt off then show up to the yard one day and they will tell you the rig is pretty much finished go home.. We will call you when we need you.. You will stay home a couple of days up to a couple of months than you get the call to go back..

  If you are in the oilfield.... Save your money..!!!!!!!  You may be making $4,000 a week with what you think is no end in sight then show up to work one day and they have laid you off..

  If you are spending what you are making I will be buying your tools at a pawn shop a couple of weeks after you get laid off..  I have only been in this oilfield game about a year and a half so I dam sure don't know everything but I have already seen some guys go broke and sell off there tools.. Its a sad sight to see..!!!
- By jason ritnour (*) Date 12-25-2012 04:28
I appreciate all the responses. Going into a rig yard probley would be my best bet starting out so im not completely out of my comfort zone. I picked up a beveler a couple years ago for a good price at a pawn shop just going to have to do like you said and go get some 6'' and start practicing. Thanks for offering your time to help me. Hope everybody has a good holiday.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Job change

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