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Up Topic Welding Industry / ASME Codes / Obtaining an ASME N-Stamp
- - By Kix (****) Date 02-11-2013 21:31
Does anyone have any good links to some free reading material on roughly what it takes to obtain N-Stamp acreditation?  I'm having issues finding any free material.  My company is pushing my new QA manager to start looking into the process of obtaining an N-Stamp.  I know this would be an astronomical undertaking for my company, but I still am curious.  I read something that spoke of over a million dollars to stay compliant and even more if you are going for the N-Stamp for the first time due to all of the new quality requirements that would need to be put in place.

Parent - By CWI555 (*****) Date 02-14-2013 16:01
Been through the N, NA, and NPT stamp process 3 times now, and once for NV. I've helped/prepared N1, N3, N5, FSAR's etc. I've been on the owner side, and construction side of the fence in various aspects. There are reasons 'free' material is scarce. First and foremost among them being the requirement to maintain your own program. Getting your NQAM together is no easy task and usually requires reinvention of the wheel as ASME takes a dim view of copyright issues. Then there are the regulator requirements that must be folded into your program. Just reading 50.55a Codes and standards, 50.55, PART 50 etc won't get it. Getting into the reg guides and incorporating them with your program is a RPIA.

As for millions to stay compliant, yes it can. As for going for any of the stamps the first time, and new quality requirements, the extra cost of that depends on where you started. 

It can be done, but if you don't have someone on board that has experience with it, it's going to be exceptionally costly, and painful.

My take on it for what it's worth.
Parent - By js55 (*****) Date 02-21-2013 22:27
I would suggest you get with your AI. The AIA can provide info. And expect over a 1/4 mil to get it up and running.
Up Topic Welding Industry / ASME Codes / Obtaining an ASME N-Stamp

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