As long as Phillips Safety doesn't make (mfg.) anything with the name "Phillips" which is something that they do not do then they can certainly use the same name...
But more important is the glaring fact that Phillips of the Netherlands produces a variety of electronic devices for many different purposes which in itself is a form of a manufacturing entity... In other words, they produce stuff and Phillips safety does not not produce or manufacture anything but instead as a service company, they offer supplies of various items that have something to do with personal safety, and then they keep a limited inventory of such items which are all manufactured then ordered from a wide variety of different companies that do produce the manufactured & assembled items, or they manufacture the items, and another totally different company assembles the manufactured components in order to produce something more complex like a car, truck, tank, airplane, locomotive, etc....
So as long as they are not producing anything to sell either to the general public or other companies as components used to produce complex items, then Phillips Safety will not be penalized using in this case, the Phillips name because Phillips Safety doesn't make or produce anything to sell except for a receipt they give you for the sale.
I hope that this clarifies your query Giovanni.