I went out on a job the other day. Had our safety meeting, log in etc. During our meeting the PM asked about MSDS, do we know what they are and so on. Then he pointed out the shelf with the MSDS for the contractors on the job. Next thing he said was, "I will need your MSDS while you are on the job". I said, pardon me?? Your book you keep on your truck with the MSDS for all of the chemicals, etc., you use on the truck. My reply.....uhhhh, really....well, didn't know that!? He was pretty cool, explained that GC's should require the MSDS for everything on your rig, things you use. If not the fine is around $35,000!! Told him I would have the MSDS on my truck by the time I came back to finish the job!! When I'm on the job I am required to have them in the office with the other MSDS for other contractors. I think we joked around a bit about the welding rods, "probably need to have MSDS on those too in case this guy(points at my helper) likes eating welding rod flux".
Thought I'd throw that out there. I know some of you probably already know this. I knew about having it for my shop but did not know I needed them on my truck as well nor did I know about having it at the job office while on jobs. I guess some just don't enforce it or care. This is a very large GC and a extremely large nationwide company with very strict safety rules which may be part of the reason but if they are enforcing it then I'd say it must apply to all jobs under the watchful eye of OSHA.
It's pretty simple, bought a binder at Staples and dividers then typed in product name and "MSDS" after at Google and save everything to my laptop then printed it off. Now the trick is finding room in my already cramped single cab truck to store more stuff!! I'm hoping this will be a good year, I hear a Ford F550 crew cab calling my name!
I put 99% of my MSDS book together from goggle the first couple times around and that worked for me for a while. Luckily I scored at an auction a while back that had several professional MSDS books. keep one in the "library" section of the truck with the Code books, welder certs, WPS's, and various catalogs.
I wounder if there is a smartphone app for this?