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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Need help with test! flux core-pipe
- - By alax286 Date 02-08-2003 20:45
Guys, I need help from a pro. I am a pipe welder but have always run my beads with 6010 or tig. I have to test for a job that calls for 6" with flux core. Here are my questions, What gap? what size landing? what heat? what wire feed speed? do I weave, step my bead or what? do I hold my tip pointing upwards? I am lost at this. any advice would be appreciated. Thanks for everyones time...alen
Parent - By Niekie3 (***) Date 02-09-2003 10:48
Hi Alen

I am not an expert at this (I am not a welder.) but from my training days, I can remember the following:

1) Weld vertical up.
2) Do not weave the root. Rather hold the arc in the centre of the weld line.
3) Hold the wire feeding into the puddle just below where the gap is visible. If you try to hold it higher (pointing up) the wire will just shoot through gap resulting in pieces of wire sticking out on the inside of the weld.

The volts and wire feed speed settings should be available from the supplier. If you do not come right ask again, and I will haul out my procedure books to look up these parameters for you.

Niekie Jooste
Parent - - By wesley (*) Date 02-09-2003 13:45
Alax, first of all good luck. I have welded a lot of pipe, and more FCAW than I want to remember, but never put the two together. This does not mean that it is not done. Anyway, you will be very busy compared to he other two processes mentioned. You did not relate to metal type or test position. So, one would probably guess, steel, perhaps sch. 80, 6G position or 6GR, Probably E71T-1, CO2 gas. Now all you have to do is be a good MIG welder. Niekie is correct with the paramiters for they should provide you with a WPS, and if not, ASK!! To continue guessing, you should fit-up as normal, gap and landing according to wire size. You will probably remain in short circuit transfer, so run it like you would any mig application. If all of this is wrong forgive me. If need be, e-mail for number and I will walk you through it. Wesley.
Parent - - By mcavana (**) Date 02-09-2003 14:14
what is 6GR?
Parent - - By pipewelder_1999 (****) Date 02-09-2003 21:35
Here is a picture of a 6GR fitup. The "r" is for "Restricted".

Have a nice day

G Austin
Parent - - By mcavana (**) Date 02-10-2003 04:10
cool, so on that are the pipes you are joining different schedules? (that is what it looks like in the picture)
Parent - By pipewelder_1999 (****) Date 02-10-2003 11:50
Yes. There is a 3/16" edge on one pipe tube.

G Austin
Parent - By Mike Brace (**) Date 02-10-2003 12:38
Alax: For gas shielded cored wire a wire speed of 250 IPM at 23 volts is a good place to start. This will work all the way from the bottom to the top. As to weave or stringers most of the time bead width is resticted to 3/8-1/2 in max. This works very well for fill and cap. Use the same basic technique that you use for stick. You will see what slight changes you will need to make after running one. Hope this helps.
Parent - - By TimGary (****) Date 02-10-2003 12:58
You should be careful to not allow the wire to touch the sides of the bevel. With FCAW, the puddle has a tendency to bridge over a slag line if the wire touches the bevel wall. Once this "bridging" gets stated it will continue to do so for the length of the bead, leaving a slag line underneath the bead. Watch the leading edge of the puddle closely. It should be sharp and convex. If it becomes concave, you'll know that it is trapping slag underneath. If this happens, you'll have to grind it out back to the point from which the wire first touched the bevel wall.
The fit up should be as per the WPS requirments.
Good Luck!
Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 02-11-2003 12:59
The WPS for the joint should have all the info on it to get you started(fit up dimns and tolerances, wire speed / voltages, type of beads, wire size, type of gas(es) and flow rate, etc). You will have to fine tune the wirespeed, etc. to your liking. Ask for some srcap to get set up on, relax and have fun.
John Wright
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Need help with test! flux core-pipe

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