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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / The Worst Timing
- - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 03-06-2013 17:37
I've mailed a bunch of contractors and municipalities over the years about gas pipe work. Typically don't here back from them. Yesterday I got a call from a contractor that does a lot of work for a large gas company. Looking for a rig welder to work with us on our projects he says. So I tell him I am very interested and ask about the details. He explains who they work with, big name dropping kind of thing. I tell him I am now very interested. He continues and tells me they would need me in the next week or so. Hmmm, well, I've got this bridge thing going on for the next month or two and the gravy is just dripping off it. Then I've got three more tower jobs that I will likely be out on come spring/summer.

Think thats when the opportunity slipped away. "Do you know any rig welders?" Well, some guys I know but have shops and are covered up at the moment. Told him I'd check around for a local guy who might be interested. Guess destiny has chosen my path, hanging from bridges or towers! Thats alright though, I have grown quite fond of the heights lately and have been craving the opportunity to climb again. Kinda sucks that this trend continues though. Have turned away from some excellent opportunities in the last 6 years because their timing is off...or mine.

So, if your a rig welder, API, downhill and are local to the Nashville area and want to hook up with a contractor I have heard good things about give me a call. Good size company, been around for years and years. I'd say you'll do some travel in the state but they are looking for a guy in Nashville or surrounding counties.
Parent - - By Superflux (****) Date 03-06-2013 17:52
Yep it really bites because that's the way it always happens

Same way with relationships too. I'll have a date at a bar or restaurant...
Life is not fair!
Parent - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 03-09-2013 06:42
I should move to Tenn.   My banker would thank me.   LOL
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / The Worst Timing

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