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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Things keeping me busy lately
- - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 03-27-2013 18:15 Edited 03-27-2013 18:27
Did some fitting and welding on an oil seperator rig for a contractor these last few weeks. Don't look like much but complications out of my hands got me a little over two weeks worth of work. They had a 6" drain line in the pit we set about 3-4 weeks ago. I can tell you one thing, building "level" pipe off of a plastic tank with non-level plastic flanges is not easy and not quite doable! This was crazy, they wanted everything welded for 5 psi!! No problem, your the boss! Other things, stub outs and flanges for "future use", pumps that came complete....whoops I mean incomplete, no table to mount them. A long list of things that make you sit back and say, "I'm glad I'm being paid by the hour!!" Overall a pretty neat little gig.

I've been wanting to post pics of the bridge project as well, found some good fishing spots off the pier out in the river at least but pictures, ehhhh, thinking I'm going to keep the "how" we are doing this on the down low. I did find that it's missing a bunch of bolts and somebody trying to fix the pipe or hold the pipe actually cut a hole in two stiffeners!! Then wrapped a chain around the pipe!!! WTF!!! Bridge inspectors were out there a few weeks ago, I'm assuming they saw this already and must be a non issue. Who the heck thinks its a good idea to just blow holes in a bridge with a torch at random?? I have found that if you don't have a tower to climb then tower climbing gear works great under a bridge as well. 'Beaners, rope, climbing harness, positioning lanyard. Have taken several breaks tied off to a truss and hanging out over he river, can almost take a nap! Last pic is a safe picture of the bridge. Now, for anybody concerned this is my disclaimer, it has all been engineered, we are following engineered prints, I am not showing pictures for other reasons that have nothing to do with the structural integrity of the bridge, damage etc. There is nothing wrong with the bridge, no damage to the bridge by us, just other reasons....if your gonna whine about something, don't, flip the page and go away :grin:
Parent - - By newinsp (**) Date 03-28-2013 00:22
Neat work.  Is that sealant on the threaded pipe?
Parent - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 03-28-2013 01:49 Edited 03-28-2013 01:52

I have not seen a structural job yet in the last two years where indiscriminate gas axe use was not De-riguer.  We build to prints untill we find a problem....that set of bottles will smooth that out...yada yada yada.

Nice to see pics of that just one flange and pipe job turn into 47hrs thing.   AHHH clear as crystal/

FAR as the other content of your post :wink::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin::grin:
Parent - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 03-28-2013 09:48
Yeah, it's thread sealant. The plumbers put all of that together, I just had to get to that point.
Parent - - By Tyrone (***) Date 03-28-2013 10:43
Nice little oil seperator job!  Clean, lots of space, and indoors.  Nice to have variety.


I can almost see the smallmouth under the log jam.
Parent - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 03-28-2013 11:38
Yeah! :lol:

This is the most space I've ever had working on piping indoors! Usually it's a mechanical room where they cram 100 miles of pipe, heat exchangers, pumps, boilers, expansion tanks into a 12' x 15' room! I thought I was out in big sky country with all of the space I had here!
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Things keeping me busy lately

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