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Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / Endorsements
- - By newinsp (**) Date 03-27-2013 23:37
I am preparing, and see it as beneficial, to take an endorsement exam for D1.2.   I've also noticed a lot of API jobs for CWIs.  Should a CWI take an API endorsement exam if he plans to do a lot of work under that code?  Is the endorsement or experience more valuable to a potential employer?
Parent - - By dbigkahunna (****) Date 03-28-2013 00:21
The only one is the 1104 pipeline endorsement. The numbered API certifications,510 (pressure vessels), 570(process piping) and 653 (AST's) are higher level certifications than the CWI when working in the oil buidnezz. These inspectors call out CWI's if necessary. Welding is just one aspect of the numbered certifications. If you do not have experience in the numbered disciplines, then you will have to spend time in them before you can qualify to sit for the test. Unless you pencil whip your application and someone signs for your work experience.
Parent - - By newinsp (**) Date 03-28-2013 00:34
Thanks dbigkahunna.  I had considered taking the API, but watched a video of an explosion at a refinery in Mexico and changed my mind.  It is still in the back of my mind though.
Parent - - By Superflux (****) Date 03-28-2013 14:48

Naaa, don't worry about those refinery explosions. Most folks live through them. I've been in a couple myself. Look at that video and see how many were able to run to safety. I'm willing to bet some new 50 yard dash records could be set when them babies go off! Fun times.
Besides it was great experience and preconditioned me so now I don't suffer shell shock after being in Afghanistan for a year.
API's are great to have and I'm hoping to earn a 570 this year.
Parent - - By newinsp (**) Date 03-29-2013 13:53
Wow.  Yes, you're right.  Before the explosion you couldn't see anyone.  Afterwards it was like they were "crawling out of the woodwork." 
Glad you are doing ok after your service.  I know that Vietnam was hard on family and friends, and hope that everyone appreciates our veterans.
Good luck on your 570.
Parent - By Superflux (****) Date 03-29-2013 14:30
No thanks necessary for me newinsp.
I was NOT in the military. Just a money grubbing Civilian Contractor providing technical support.
Parent - - By dbigkahunna (****) Date 03-29-2013 02:24
There are other places to work other than refinery's. I have not been in one in years. If you have no experience or live where you can go to work for a inspection company to get the experience it would be hard to get the necessary experience to qualify. However, if you are going to be a professional inspector, the API certs are good to have. For CWI's I would recommend the NACE CIP program. You can do welding and coating inspection. This tends to be concentrated in bridge building and like the API's you have to be a nomad. But good work and pay's well.
Good Luck
Parent - - By newinsp (**) Date 03-29-2013 13:39
There are some chemical plants back home....
I would really like to intern, say, one day a week (Friday or Saturday) for a company within a couple of hours from here (OBX), just to be "in the real world", so to speak. 
I've seen some of the coating inspection jobs, you mentioned, advertised.  My wife said, a while ago, that she wouldn't mind traveling, but we are much older now.

Parent - By 803056 (*****) Date 03-30-2013 21:26
I think you meant to say, "She doesn't mind if you are traveling!" :wink:

Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / Endorsements

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