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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Build prints
- - By wickerdave Date 05-27-2013 22:29
I have two projects that I would like to build, One project I have detailed pictures and description of the build process but no blueprints, I would like to have the item downsized by 50% and have a set of prints to build it with, the other is a unique jeep trailer that I have pics of but no prints.  Who could I take the material to and have a set of build prints generated??

Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 05-27-2013 23:26
Any Draftsman. But it is not cheap. Why not just make your own ?
Parent - By Forger Date 05-30-2013 00:36
A draftman or detailer will not design it for you,you will need an engineer (sometimes thats us welders)do that.They may be hesitant to even give you a detailed shop drawing with out an engineers on record atamp on it.Anything that rolls down the hiway gets lots of attention this days.I would agree with the other post and make your own.Lots of options online or old fashion board drawings with scale ruler.Sounda like an interesting project Good Luck
Parent - By Tyrone (***) Date 05-28-2013 10:47
Welcome to the Forum wickerdave!
When you say "...take the material to and have a set of build prints generated," do you mean that you want blueprints made from looking at your pictures?  If so, you'll also need to supply a lot more detailed information (dimensions, hole sizes, material type, GD&T etc) of every single part, then the overall assembly dimensions.  Downsizing by 50% is easy, if you know the original dimensions.

Cactus is right, it won't be cheap if you want it done by someone else (lots of parts to add to your blueprint for the jeep trailer). Whoever it is, they'll need access to the parts to take actual measurements.

If you just want to wing-it from the pictures, you might be able to get a student who knows computer-aided design (CAD) to do it cheaply.  Doing it this way could be more expensive and time consuming in the long run if the parts don't fit on the first try.

Parent - By OBEWAN (***) Date 05-28-2013 12:04
If you have a way to scan the info onto the Internet you could use a service like, or, or yada yada.  The fees for CAD drafting typically range anywhere from $15 to $35 an hour depending on how complex your assignment is.  Some CAD operators charge by the line or page too.  If you go to one of the online sites you might find out what people are charging though.  The other option is to check in with one of the CAD groups on to discuss it with the real experts who do this every day.

But, if the sketches are huge, you might have issues getting them scanned into a web format.  You could send them in the mail once you get a contractor, but people may be hesitant to bid without a good brief on the workscope first.
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 05-31-2013 00:12
As most others have said, engineer to design the trailer, shop detailer to layout the drawings so you know what to build. My engineer when asked about laying out a gate for me because the city had some boob architect do it was going to cost me $2000. I suspect a trailer would be in the same neighborhood. Then figure a steel detailer at maybe $500-1000 and you've practically bought a trailer.

Going at it yourself. Wander around a new trailer sales place and eyeball, snap pictures and write down beam sizes, crossmembers and so on and have a go at it. If you don't have adequate welding, cutting or fab equipment then, you might as well go buy one.
Parent - By 99205 (***) Date 05-31-2013 00:56
Go rent a u-haul trailer, take it home, measure everything possible, make notes, list materials needed, buy materials, measure-cut-shape-weld-bolt things together.  Bingo, you just built a trailer.  :lol:
Parent - By Chris2626 (***) Date 05-31-2013 01:25
hahaha yep done that before looked around the trailer place and built mine.
Parent - - By Sourdough (****) Date 05-31-2013 03:14
Just hire me.
Parent - By GQ COWBOY (*) Date 06-18-2013 15:36 Edited 10-24-2018 19:06
Dawson's Design is here to help, I have over 17 yrs, designing..from Auto to telecom, also aircraft seats...oil field skid package, trailer mounted units. I'm a welder by trade, so I know, what you all need to
see...AutoCAD and Pro-E 3-D models...

So, if you looking for a quick turn around in drafting... let me help you...
Just ask Cactus...He knows me....and what I can do for you...
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Build prints

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