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Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Education & Training / I need experience!
- - By JPSweld (*) Date 06-21-2013 12:26
I am relatively new to the field and I am finding that it is extremely difficult to get verifiable experience.  I am almost done with the welding program at my local tech school but I am in desperate need of work.  If any one knows of companys in Rock Hill, SC that needs apprentice/helpers I would greatly appreciate the heads up.
Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 06-21-2013 12:58

Keep an eye out because Charlotte and Rock Hill areas have several Structural Steel Fab shops around. If you can get your foot in the door, they are always needing fitters and welders.
Parent - - By JPSweld (*) Date 06-21-2013 14:34
Thanks, I will continue looking.  so far I have applied to several jobs but I will start going through the phone book and call around.
Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 06-21-2013 15:36
One of our project managers left us(certified structural fab shop) due to his wife gaining employment in Rock Hill, and he quickly found a job with a structural fabricator in that area. Plenty of employers in those areas near where you are looking...keep your eyes open and ear to the ground. Good Luck.
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 06-21-2013 13:19 Edited 06-21-2013 13:22
Approach fabricators and shops in your area and tell them you would like to intern with them. As an intern you won't collect a pay check, although a few manufacturers pay their interns a small stipend, but you will gain the experience you seek. It is not unheard of that the manufacturer hires the intern if they are impressed with the individual’s talents and work ethic.

You need to show up on time, be clean shaven, no smokes or other tobacco products, dress appropriately for the interview, sit up straight in the chair if you are sitting, look at the interviewer when listening or responding to a question, and show interest in the manufacturer's product line. If the company agrees to take you on as an intern be ready and willing to perform any assigned tasks without complaint. These are points in your favor or they can count against you if you fail to take heed. Small things go a long way in making a good impression. Leave the body jewelry at home and cover the body art when interviewing for the position and during working hours. What you may consider trendy will not impress your prospective employer.

I attempted to bring my nephew into the world of NDT. He did fine the first couple of jobs he assisted me with. Then he decided to show up in a tank top so everyone could see his tattoos and sporting a pink goatee and pink hair. That was the last job I took him on. I told him that he represented my company when he was on the job with me. I didn’t have time to train someone that was interested in being a sideshow attraction. There are circuses that hire people that want to be clowns. The lesson, don’t be the sideshow attraction. Be a professional.

Develop a resume that you can leave with each company you visit. Since you have not accrued a work history, accentuate the jobs you have held (they show the interviewer you have a work ethic) and the courses and training you have completed while you were attending school. Run it through a “spell checker” and ask your instructor or guidance counselor to proof read it for you. Remember to thank the person that interviews you even if they are not interested (their interest can change in a week or two) and shake their hand upon leaving their facility. One last point: make sure your resume has your current contact information so they can contact you at a later date.

Good luck.

Best regards – Al
Parent - - By JPSweld (*) Date 06-21-2013 14:32
Thanks for the info. I appreciate it.
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 06-21-2013 16:01
No problem.

I hope you get that internship.

Parent - - By jsdwelder (***) Date 07-24-2013 12:30

That was an excellent post. If you don't mind I will use it with my students as part of their job readiness class. Too many times I see people, mainly the younger generation, who do not understand the concept of first impressions. I have nothing wrong with piercings or ink but it speaks to who you are. If its distasteful, guess what, so are you and baggage probably is not far behind. This also goes for the people who think that the world needs to see their underwear. Too many people do not realize that they will be representing the company when potential customers walk through the facility or even just in passing conversation. I am so impressed when I see a young man or young woman today that speaks clearly, has good manners and is polite. It is usually not the norm. I always say to myself, now that person has good parents.
Parent - By 803056 (*****) Date 07-24-2013 18:24
Amen to that.

Parent - By MRWeldSoCal (***) Date 07-24-2013 13:57
My first welding job, I told them I would work for free haha, I figured Im useless with no experience.  They ended up giving me $10 a hour to sweep floors.  But they taught me to weld and to build race cars.  Turned out to be the beginning of a racing fabrication career for the next 6 years. Took be to Baja and all over.  Amazing what putting yourself out there can do. 

No one rejects a free labor offer haha
- By crgodfrey Date 07-31-2013 15:07
Check out Steelfab up in Charlotte
Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Education & Training / I need experience!

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