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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / The Price of Safety!
- - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 07-11-2013 00:23
Well, had to show off my rig, no not my welding rig! This is my baby, one of them at least!

Capital Safety- DBI-Sala Exofit Nex Tower climbing harness, no frills, no a/c, power windows, bone stock this was over $600.

Petzl I.D. Descender- Shipped to my door $300 clams

Petzl Micro Pulley- $60

All bags- easily over $100, Two Kline bags(which work great if you're an ironworker and don't hang upside down, otherwise, "HEADACHE!!!") heck the orange bag in the picture was $20!

Lanyard- confidential.....

Carabiners- Around $125

Safety- this is a temporary until I get the retractable lanyard I want. Still these trip hazards (that will most likely be the death of me if I keep it) were over $100!

$1285 in total! Tack on another $300 for the new lanyard and I could buy a welding machine!

Never really sat down and thought about it until today, need to treat this thing like one of my children!
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 07-11-2013 00:41
no diff then spelunking gear or free climbing gear....if you want something you can count on you will pay.  I dig some of the shinies you got there....harness is in way another class then the what I am using.   When you do it day in day out it sure will make a diff in what you buy.  Hell if someone needs just a fall arrest rig I got one for sale not a burn mark on it....used it on a all tig job.  Kinda classy harness, falltech....personally I don't like it but I am a fat boy too.

One thing about you Shawn....when it comes to gear you dfa  at all.
Parent - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 07-11-2013 02:00
This harness in my opinion is the best thing out there. Very comfortable. I bet this as it sits in this picture weighs 30-40 pounds. So comfortable in fact, a guy can sleep in it!!
Parent - - By 2006strat (***) Date 07-14-2013 19:52
i sent u an email.
Parent - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 07-14-2013 20:22
Got it, I'll hit you back later.
- - By 2006strat (***) Date 07-11-2013 02:56
Anytime you need a wing man give me a call.  Starting to get board with these everyday jobs.  Its starting to feel like breathing(you just do it).  I would have to cut back on the coffe for those jobs.  Forgot to mention, no body bird doging-""priceless""
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 07-12-2013 23:26
That's why I like it. My favorite place in the world used to be in a ditch or standing by a ditch with some green pipe. Couldn't give a rats behind about it now!! It's one of those things where I stand back and go, "yawwwnnnn". I'll still do the ole pipe welding and other gigs but I'll always be thinking of how nice it would be to be hanging xxx feet above the ground! I'm working on setting up a date to get certified to climb, wouldn't mind doing the certified rescue either just in case some bloke gets in a pinch around here I might be able to go out and rescue their butts, for a price of course! LOL! It's bad, can't get enough of it! Shoot me a text with your info and I'll put you in my phone. They are all over the place and could put a good word in for a select few.
Parent - - By 2006strat (***) Date 07-13-2013 04:36
It's starting to get harder for me to get up every morning day after day.  I think i am running out of challenges.  I been thinking about opening a shop here local, kinda like a welding repair shop nothing huge.  Something big enough for my projects and maybe if somebody needs something fixed.  I also might just hit the road and take along vacation.  I understand completely about seeing the same job, same people, and same pipe.  I was layed off this Thursday and will be reading my options for a couple days or weeks and see what comes up. Keep safe.
Parent - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 07-13-2013 10:30
It's funny to hear you say that, "running out of challenges."

I think that is why I do what I do. I get bored real quick, probably why I had around twelve jobs between 1995 and 2008. I'd get good doing what I did at that job and then it was boredom cause they wouldn't let me grow I guess. I can tough out a big job for a couple months but then, say like a pipe job, I start to get bored. This bridge the only thing keeping me going is the constant dangling from under the bridge and the thought of throwing my rope up there so I can rappel down for lunch and breaks, just for fun! Plus it's a challenge everyday. All material built to the engineer and shop detailers specs and everyday something new for me to figure out why this wt was 3" to long? Why did they have this bracket here against the flange where it screws everything up. I like to solve problems I guess, makes you think. At the Cadillac dealer I loved electrical problems, just the thought that went into figuring out some of the off the wall stuff we saw, awesome.

We'll have to chat sometime, sounds like we might not be to different you and I!
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / The Price of Safety!

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