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Up Topic Welding Industry / ASME Codes / consuming tube ends
- - By J.W. (*) Date 07-30-2013 09:10
We have been discussing at work about the definition of consuming when welding tube ends. The discussion involves weather consume ends means the whole end of the tube (O.D & I.D.) or does it mean just the O.D. edge?  The whole group says this is the way we done it for 30yrs(that alone doesn't make them right) . The O.D. group is saying its code (which they haven't referenced any code or section yet). I'm new to the pressure vessel code just seeing if I could get a little help.

Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 07-30-2013 14:36
It would be helpful to know which code your applying this too?
Parent - By J.W. (*) Date 07-30-2013 16:25 Edited 07-31-2013 08:44
Asme section VIII and IX. We're welding tube ends on heat exchangers.
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 08-04-2013 02:41
I had to look it up as it's been a few years. The most recent edition has it as a factor of strength. UW 20.2 gives you some guidance, but from what I see, it can be either depending on the strength and or shear loading factor of the joint in question. If someone is stating it as an absolute codified requirement, they are incorrect as from what I see, it could be either depending on the factors mentioned.
Parent - By J.W. (*) Date 08-06-2013 17:44
I did read UW20.2 and agree. There tying to use Section IX QW-193.1.1 as a argument. There using the argument that production welds must be done just like the mockup. I think the real problem is, engineering is producing drawings with projections that are to long (+3/32" for burning off) and putting consume ends with 1/16 -3/32 filet weld. With these details the welders are burning the ends off the tubes, plus rolling weld into the I.D. of the tubes.
Thanks for help
Up Topic Welding Industry / ASME Codes / consuming tube ends

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