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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Welding Lead Question
- - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 09-14-2013 12:09
I'm buying 250 feet of 2/0 welding lead. Have to go a bit of a distance, around 350 feet. This 250 will almost get me where I need to be at, probably have another 100 feet attached due to truck position and other variables. All they have is 250 right now and I'm headed out to the job before they can get in more. I have 400 feet of 1/0 lead so I can make up the difference.

My question is this. Which is the best location for the 2/0? Should I connect to my machine with the 2/0, then add my 100 feet of 1/0? I know ideally I should have the 2/0 all the way. If they can get me another 100 feet of it before Thursday I'll grab it up. Seems like I ran across this situation one time on extension cords but have not thought about it in 5-6 years and have slept a few times since then.

I will be running about 125-130 amps(maybe more depending on distance, how the arc reacts, etc.), 1/8" 7018 so amperage is not high but distance is. I believe my guy said 1/0 was rated at 300 amps at 200 feet. I did some rough calculations, divided 200 by 3 and added it to the 200. Figured I was running lower amperage so that, in theory should extend my reach. The length I have to be at was still further than my theoretical number of 332 feet(figured using 100 amps, 1/0 cable). Now, if I'm running 130-140 amps, turned up in order to push thru that much lead my 332 foot number decreases. All this is just me thinking out loud. On the 2/0 I believe he said 350 feet at 300 amps.

That's my situation. Right now I will be running 250 feet of 2/0 with 100 feet of 1/0. I think 2/0 connected to machine, then connect my 100 feet of 1/0 to get where I need to be. Am I correct in this thinking??

Thanks for any help!!

Parent - - By 522029 (***) Date 09-14-2013 13:16
Yep.  The 2/0  to the machine and the 1/0 to the 2/0.

Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 09-14-2013 13:31
Thanks Griff!! Appreciate the input!

Parent - - By welderbrent (*****) Date 09-14-2013 14:22
I'll back that up as well Shawn.  Heavy first then lighter.  Just like fire hoses (home water hoses) or any electrical.  Heavy for easier flow first then downsize.

Now, you can also run all your heavy, if you have that much, on your electrode side and put the lighter on the ground/work side (I think I got that straight).  Especially if your work lead is able to be connected with a shorter run, which is very common.  Since it is shorter you can use up your light gauge on it and keep all your heavy for the electrode then use a short light weight pigtail for the electrode holder/stinger itself.

Have a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 09-14-2013 15:44
Thanks Brent. That is what I was thinking about doing. 250 feet off the electrode side, 2/0, then using my 1/0 on the ground side. Throw in another 100 feet of 1/0 on the end of the 2/0 to get to where I have to weld. Initially I was going to buy 500 feet of 2/0 but they told me they could not have it by Thursday so went with the next best option! Thanks for your input! Have a great weekend!

Parent - By Superflux (****) Date 09-14-2013 15:55 Edited 09-14-2013 16:01
I put this to my brother in law about 3 months ago, who is a Master Electrician, he said same thing, 2/0 at the rig, 1/0 to the stinger, and I use #2 (with 150amp Tweco) for a stinger most of the time (1/8" 7018 max). Or at least did when I use to weld.
Parent - By 357max (***) Date 09-17-2013 18:22
Connect equal lengths of heavy gauge cable to machines work and electrode and reduce from each end of the heavy cable. If SMAW; check it out with the ocv (open circuit voltage) if there is 4 volt or greater loss; increase the size of cable.
Parent - - By Rafter_G_Weldin (***) Date 09-14-2013 22:33
Always run the bigger lead off the machine and choke it down from there. Just like running a water line. Bigger pipe then smaller pipe.
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 09-16-2013 02:39
Dem towers are getting taller and taller ain't they?!?!  :twisted:
Parent - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 09-18-2013 01:37
Next stop, 845 feet my brother!! And can't wait to get there!! I think it's a radio tower so not sure how close we can get to the top but would like to get to 800, pictures will DEFINITELY be taken!! I WILL have my GOPRO on my hardhat for that journey for sure! All the guys on the crew are as eager as I am. One of the guys and me have the highest climbs so far, him at 425 and me at 400 so it will double our adrenaline junky record!
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Welding Lead Question

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