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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / The Shutdown
- - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 10-04-2013 16:30 Edited 10-04-2013 16:50
I know most are avoiding this discussion like the plague but I just can't stand it anymore.

First we close down all national parks but we keep guards on duty to ensure that nobody gets in. Huh??

Next we close down national parks that the government does not support in anyway....huh?? Watching the news and they talked to an owner of one of these that said the land is owned by the government but they receive no money or anything from the Feds. They are self supporting, all money raised pays for everything, the government has no hand in it other than owning the land. So they shut them down, tell them they will be arrested if they open the doors(in order to pay their bills from tourists). Disgusting. Something stinks to high heaven about this. It seems to me that they(Reid, Obama,Dems) are in fact doing things that will outrage the public and sway the blame to the Republicans. Unfortunately I was not born last night and can see thru their little rouse. Open air parks, closed, the World War II Memorial. Huh?? I can't walk thru an open air park without somebody there to watch me? I applaud the WWII Veterans that thumbed their noses at these idiots in D.C., Bravo!!  Now the news coming from across the pond from France. Normandy cemetery is closed due to stupidity....aye.....

Food safety inspections, not being inspected? Good thing I buy my beef local. Cancel cancer research for children? Really?? Not giving SBA loans? That's alright you sorry s.o.b's won't give me a loan anyhow as hard as I have tried and as much as I have done to better the business, credit in order to get one. Oh well, guess I have a different reason for not getting the loan this time! I have watched this for years and years. Cut spending on things that will outrage the public. Stand in front of the camera and tell the nation...and the world that due to the shutdown our security measures and the level of protection offered by the FBI, CIA and NSA will not be as good. Oh, really?? It's going to be worse than the nut job shooting up the Naval yard? Or the two wacky brothers blowing up a marathon? The fruit loop shooting up the children at the school. Cry wolf enough and after awhile the town realizes that is just the idiot kid crying wolf again and he is ignored. This might be why the stock market is not reacting in a way that Obama had anticipated. Wolf!! Wolf!! Don't worry it's just the Obama kid again.....

Does the Affordable Care Act have some valid points, yes. My insurance company not kicking me off for some ridiculous thing and being protected by this is great. The down side I have read and seen several people talk about how their premiums have almost doubled, their deductible has doubled, they have been dropped by their insurance and told to seek insurance from the sluggish and still not ready government website. I'm still waiting for my wife to come home and tell me the unfortunate news about our health insurance, hoping it does not happen but forever the pessimist I cannot be positive about it. Affordable care? From what I have seen so far if I had to have it I could not afford it, I must be missing something.

President Obama. Hmmm, when I see him talk about this, listen to him reply to statements made by the Republicans all I see in my mind is President Obama's head on a 6 year old body, in the store, arms crossed, frowning because he was told he cannot have the candy he wants. We want another trillion dollars, oh, on top of the almost $17 trillion we already have? That 17 trillion is not the correct number as a matter of fact. Do some research and it is quite a bit more, shockingly. President Obama, I know your a well educated individual but negotiations mean actually negotiating, give a little, take a little. It does not mean my way or the highway. I'm sorry you cannot travel to Asia this week, I'm sure there are some fine golf courses over there that are just calling your name. Our fearless leader pulled the same type of stuff during the sequester, pouting, crying and all manner of things to get his way.

Meanwhile that Jay Carney fella, Pres. Obama's right hand man, another creepy individual that just has an air of stink surrounding him. He opens his mouth and you don't take a grain of salt you eat an entire salt lick.

Harry Reid. I'd have to say that ole Harry ranks right up there with Pelosi on my most disliked individuals list. Individuals that if you saw them broke down on the side of the road with a flat tire in the middle of nowhere Montana, pouring down rain, sleet, snow, and any other horrible condition you could imagine I would drive right by never missing a beat to the music I was listening to. Calling Republicans anarchists, Jihadists, terrorists and I start to think that they are playing to the sympathies of the people who are not up to date on the news and only watch one news channel. Perhaps in a year or two guys like me will be locked in camps because we do not comply with the Obama Regime. Seems to me that history has had a fella that used similar tactics to gain control of his country.

Republicans. I don't want any lefties beating me up because I did not say anything about the Republicans. What do they want? They don't want another trillion dollars in debt, tit has run dry. As an American Vet taxpaying fool, I agree with them on this. I don't want another trillion dollars added to the debt ceiling, we can't control the fools with the credit card as it is. Do they want to get rid of the Affordable Care Act, yeah, probably. I agree with them on this as well. Several years ago we heard OLD Pelosi say, "We have to pass it to find out what's in it". Mrs. Pelosi, could I ask you a question. I have a house for sale, it has land, nice house, great views but in order to find out where it is, what type of views, what kind of land, what type/size of house you must first pay me for it, a million dollars. Then I will turn over the keys and it's yours but you cannot return it and your money is nonrefundable. I don't have a BA or anything but even I'm not stupid enough to fall for that and yet everyone in the house voted on this Affordable Care Act with as much information. Smart is not something that hangs on your wall in a frame that's for sure.

Guess I'm lucky that I'm posting this now since Harry has said that the FBI and NSA are not fully staffed they probably won't be reading my post!! Hahaha! Oh wait, door bell is ringing,....whats with that black Chevy out in the driveway?????
Parent - By 803056 (*****) Date 10-04-2013 18:55
I believe the shut down should extend to the security details assigned to the congressional members, their staff, and their families. Their drivers, automobiles, pay, and all benefits including health care should be suspended as well. However, they should not be made whole when the budget is finalized, instead they should forgo all monies they should have been paid during the time the country is without a budget.

I don't believe a lump or two on the side of their head would do any damage should one or two congressional members receive a blow or two from a disgruntled member of our citizenry. It can only emphasize the need to get something done and stop the showmanship. After all, they are not being paid to act like spoiled children. They are being paid to perform a job and from I've seen recently, they haven't been performing up to par. 

- - By texwelder (***) Date 10-05-2013 22:06
I am not gonna say where the cuts need to be but all hard working tax paying americans can probably figure it out
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 10-09-2013 14:21
Send them all to the Gulag!!!:yell::yell::yell::eek::eek::eek::lol::wink:

On second thought, that's too good of a punishment for them for crying out loud!!! If I didn't have to depend on having continuous Oxygen as I'm required these days, I would already be in D.C. getting ready to participate in the Million Vets march this upcoming weekend!!!:mad::mad::yell::mad: M)*&%#F@($&+'s!!!:mad::mad::mad:

Seriously, we all need to vote the whole lot out of office when the next upcoming elections get here because IMHO, none of these C@c&S%(&ers deserve to be our representatives any longer!!!:mad::mad::mad::yell::yell::yell: These Scumbags should be charged with Treason and Obstruction of Justice!!!:mad::mad::mad::yell::yell::yell:

I could go on and on but what's the point? I believe I already have expressed my opinion enough already!!!:mad::mad::roll::yell:

Parent - By Smooth Operator (***) Date 10-09-2013 20:57
Hey Henry !!!!!!!! Agree with you 100%.......... How come they don't have a Liquidated Damages Clause in their contracts...... Every job I've ever been involved with run by the Government (Fed., State, Local) always was bonded w /a Liquidated Damages Clause........
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 10-09-2013 23:07
"These Scumbags should be charged with Treason and Obstruction of Justice!!!"

Parent - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 10-10-2013 00:15
On the private sector side they would already have enough civil suits to fund a few generations of lawyers.  All stemming from utter lack of performance, delivery and breach of contract.  I guess if your completely mediocre and incompetent the US govt has a position for you!  There is not one elected member in Washington that represents myself and family morally or otherwise BY ANY Stretch of imagination.  The shutdown does not concern me much except for promises to deserving individuals they are not keeping to put on a show.   We have had 5 years to come to terms with a budget....all they have done is play golf and go to constituent retreats to make there dirty little deals for there votes and proposed bills.  Show me an honest lawyer and I will show you a bankrupt one.

Far as the Commander and Chief is concerned (omg what a stain on that title), he seems fully qualified to run govt in Detroit......he is doing his dangdest to match that stellar administrative benchmark with the entire country.  Disgust..???    I have nothing but contempt in regards to what is going in Washington.

My family is certainly feeling the result of this economy/administration.  I do not care for it at all to put it politely as I can.
Parent - By ctacker (****) Date 10-11-2013 04:50
Personally, I think it's time for an "American Spring". Same thing that's happened in the Middle east. Run all the bastards out of office and put in some people that would accept the job as a privilege (which it should be) and not a cash cow to get wealthy on.
- By 803056 (*****) Date 10-11-2013 15:43
That's why I only vote for an individual for two terms. Then, regardless of his/her job performance, it is time to vote for the other candidate.

Two terms and OUT!

Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / The Shutdown

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