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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Funny pics
- - By PlasmaHead2 (***) Date 10-08-2013 23:43
Here why not...
Parent - By unclematt (***) Date 10-09-2013 00:38
Funny. The AD/HD one got me. Thanks for sharing.

Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 10-09-2013 02:07
That one with George Carlin is what I was always told about big business and employees. They want you smart enough to do the job but not smart enough(or willing enough) to go out and start your own business.

I like the cat eating the dog and the other one with the feather duster! Makes me think of that wild arse cat I have at home!!
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 10-10-2013 00:38
Thanks Cliff     After today I needed that.
Parent - - By PlasmaHead2 (***) Date 10-10-2013 03:02
One of those days Tommy?
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 10-10-2013 03:06 Edited 10-10-2013 03:09
Well yea sort of....but I am beginning to wonder if I ain't the idiot.:eek:

Oh yea those stickers may be worth something someday.....that company that produced them is defunct, no more and gone the way of the westward wind.  I will give you a letter of providence if you think it is worthwhile.  LOL
Parent - By PlasmaHead2 (***) Date 10-11-2013 17:41
Ahhh so it was one of THOSE days...
Dont feel too bad, some how the other day I managed to drill 2 out of 4 holes in a 3/4 thick plate COMPLETELY wrong...Somehow my eyes and brain failed to communicate to my hands that the dimensions I was so carefully laying out were off an edge and not ON CENTER like they should have been.... Worst part is that I can not figure out how the hell I missed it.:eek::eek::confused::confused::eek::cry:
Then I found this picture...
Attachment: proofworse.bmp (609k)
- - By 803056 (*****) Date 10-11-2013 15:38
Some people have the ability to see the real problem. I just get pissed off!

Love the insight and creativity some people have. I wish I was as perceptive.

Parent - - By PlasmaHead2 (***) Date 10-11-2013 17:46
This quote reminds me of you Al...
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 10-11-2013 18:10 Edited 10-11-2013 19:24
OK, now I can't figure out if I just received a complement or if Cliff just poked me in the eye and is laughing hysterically at my pain!  :eek:

Al :lol:
Parent - - By Superflux (****) Date 10-11-2013 20:47
Badge of Honor there Dude!
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 10-11-2013 20:55
The tears soaking my shirt?

Al :wink:
Parent - - By PlasmaHead2 (***) Date 10-15-2013 01:08 Edited 10-15-2013 01:40
It was a compliment Al :grin::grin:
I could see how it could be taken other wise... I sure wouldn't want to be called an authority. Sounds like too much work. :twisted::twisted:

I was given an article on how to measure welds the other day by one of our good customers. It was very informative and could be read on the shop floor without having to charge time to another job, Yet still explained the why and how of what goes on when the rubber meets the road. How to properly use fillet gauges of all sorts stood out. It read a lost like who ever wrote it had been there and done it, and had the T-shirt. I wonder who could have written it...:wink::wink::wink:

More Entertainment!
Parent - By 803056 (*****) Date 10-15-2013 03:08
Gads!, There are people that read those articles?

Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Funny pics

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