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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / Insurance
- - By brande (***) Date 02-28-2003 04:57
Starting out weld inspection on my own.

My question tonite is, is liability insurance required? Is it a good thing?
What are the legal ramifications when I inspect? Do I have a liability beyond my inspection to code?

Any horror stories out there?

Of course, I keep detailed info on everything I do, but I wondered about the insurance.

Any help on these ins and outs greatly appreciated.

Way too many out of work lawyers out there....

Many Thanks
Parent - - By DGXL (***) Date 02-28-2003 22:26
1.) Liability insurance is required here in Southern Ca to:
Get onto a jobsite (legally)
Yes it is a good thing
Go into a fab shop (legally)

2.) You (or your company) are legally liable for any call (accept/reject) you make.

3.) My liability policy only covers my inspections, nothing else. (Only now I have to pay for "terrorism" insurance, no kidding.) Consulting requires professional liablity insurance.

4.) Yes, there are horror stories, one was mentioned recently in the Forum. The same artical is in ENR.

Parent - By brande (***) Date 03-08-2003 04:36
Did a search through the various groups on this site and found some good info and stories. Also an article from "Inspection Trends" mag.

Seems insurance, like your trousers, is something you really don't want to walk out of the house without.

Seems there are too many out of work ambulance chasers (lawyers) out there as well as some unscrupulous inspectors.
Doing a good, fair, complete job is not enough anymore, unfortunately.

I will be contacting a number of companies for insurance to find out the ins and outs.

RBeldyk posted a good list of related insurance companies on 5/24/02. Many thanks to him.

Again, thanks for the info-I can always count on forum group for the info I need.

Good Luck!

Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / Insurance

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