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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / B2.1-1-011:2002
- - By Welding Rod Date 03-01-2003 16:23
Couldn't find a link to "Managing Director, Technical Services", so if any could forward this or provide a link ...

I ordered a copy of welding procedure B21-1-011:2002, SMAW of Galvanized Steel, 10 - 18 gauge.

First head scratcher is why the cover says "Galvanized STAINLESS Steel" while WPS referes to Galvanized Steel?

Second one is why WPS allows 6010 (F3) and 6013 (F2) under the filler metal specification, but electrical characteristics are only listed for 6013?


Parent - By John T. (*) Date 03-03-2003 05:06
Why are these new WPS's not included in the D1.3 as prequalified procedures, is this going to be a new money making scheem from AWS?

Fogive my ignorance if this is not the case, just seems kinda squirly.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / B2.1-1-011:2002

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