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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Pre-WPS
- - By farmin72 (*) Date 01-16-2014 19:36
I had a question on Pre-WPS criteria. I was going to be writing some Pre-WPS in FCAW process.  To properly follow the code book, i would need to write a WPS for each weld joint that i would want to use, and if that weld joint would be welded to different different groups of steels that would require others correct? Example: B-U2-GF Group 1 to Group 1 Steel is one procedure, B-U2-GF Group 1 to Group 2 is a procedure, and B-U2-GF Group 2 to Group 2 is another.  And if i picked another weld joint out that process would repeat correct? So i would basically have 3 weld procedures per weld joint per the code to do it correctly. I just want to make sure i am reading this correctly or if i am missing something that would allow me to only write one WPS per joint. Debating on writing all the procedures of just having someone weld up a couple FCAW procedure quals in different positions and that way i only have one weld procedure instead of multiple.
Parent - By welderbrent (*****) Date 01-16-2014 23:27
Are you doing WPS's for work to be done to in order to test for PQR?  If so, why?  It sounds like everything is within the range of Pre-Approved Procedures and you only need to write a WPS to work from.  Yet, it sounds like you are doing PQR testing??  :confused:

Have a Great Day,  Brent
- By katelynmgr Date 01-17-2014 05:54
Seems that you are verifying if the book codes are correct.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Pre-WPS

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