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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / DSS line
- - By Mohsen Date 01-23-2014 11:24
What is the minimum PIPE WALL thickness, that back purging with inert gas is NOT required
Parent - - By welderbrent (*****) Date 01-23-2014 11:50
Interesting.  You still haven't answered our (my) other questions regarding this job. 

Simply, it isn't always a matter of code.  What do your job specs say?

Have a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - - By Superflux (****) Date 01-24-2014 20:47
I would think that MAXIMUM wall would be a more relevant issue.
Parent - - By fschweighardt (***) Date 01-24-2014 20:55 Edited 01-24-2014 21:07
Depends on a million factors, probably none of which are in a code, half of them are in the contract, and the other half are experience.  If you are on pressure piping, (should be a CJP), the customer will probably tell you all about it. Corrosive environment is probably the biggest deciding factor.  If is a structural piece, it is less important.
Parent - By kcd616 (***) Date 02-25-2014 04:43
he is the customer
it is a nuclear plant he wants to fix bad pipe
hope this helps
Parent - - By 46.00 (****) Date 01-24-2014 22:32
Mohsen, I take it you are referring to this Duplex pup piece that you have mentioned in another post?.

This sort of activity is performed every day, a thousand times I'm sure. It is the bread and butter of pipeliners. Every 'get out' clause has been tried and seen thru. The fact that you are asking these standard of questions on here makes me question the competency of you or your company to be performing this type of work.

If you don't purge, gain permission to use paste (unlikely) or get a joint design passed with no open root penetration accepted (even more unlikely (PJP)), you may as well weld in a piece of carbon steel. Duplex steel has been chosen, then it's more than likely to have been chosen for a reason i.e. it's corrosion resistance. I have never seen an open root pipe weld of any OD in Duplex material that didn't have some sort of purge applied, regardless of wall thickness.
Parent - By Kix (****) Date 01-27-2014 21:28
Right!  Even if he did a CJP with a backing ring or a PJP closed up tight, the heat tint or color he will get on the inside could be enough oxidation to corrode the inside of the pipe quicker.
Parent - - By kcd616 (***) Date 01-25-2014 02:30
where is this pipeline?
I will come fix it
Parent - By kcd616 (***) Date 01-25-2014 02:32
I do have some ideas where it is
Parent - By MBSims (****) Date 02-25-2014 03:10
The need for purging the root pass is dependent on type of material, not wall thickness.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / DSS line

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