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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / WARNING FOR YAHOO & SOME MSN E-MAIL USERS!!!
- - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 02-05-2014 07:12
Hey Everybody,

Yahoo and I think MSN Outlook to a much lesser degree has recently had their e-mail service hacked, broken into and they are requesting that all users of the e-mail services Immediately change their existing passwords -RIGHT NOW!!!

Both outfits don't really know the extent of the security breach but, they do mention that the security breach is more widespread with Yahoo than with MSN...
So I would advise strongly to take their request seriously and NOT to open any e-mail until you change your password and scan them first for any malware or viruses...

In fact,I suggest that everyone should change their e-mail passwords to ensure that you don't run into any problems in the future!


P.S. I posted this in the Off Topic Bar and Grill earlier but, it then occurred to me that only members of the OTB&G would be able to read it! So I decided to post it in shop talk in order to make sure that everybody - newbies and veterans who participates in this forum reads this warning.:eek::surprised::smile::grin::lol::wink::cool:
Parent - - By yojimbo (***) Date 02-05-2014 16:03
Makes me wonder what the smart boys at the NSA are up to now. That gang and whatever other "national security" beauracratic office with funding. 

Sometime in the past year a thread on the hacking of home computer invasions was started by on of the more senior contibutors.  I expressed my opinion in a more or less whimsical scenario wherein the entirety of the internet and computer dependency was originally purposed as a means for centralized political power to have access to and monitor the interests, intentions, dissent and discussion of its citizenry all cleverly brought about through the greed of technocrats with a new gadget they needed massive funding for.  The OP of that thread scoffed at the premise, and there were no hard feelings on my part in that I've never been a huge fan of Sci-Fi either however it wasn't 3 or 4 months later untill we learned of the NSA accessing and monitoring the emails and websearches of 100s of 1000s of the American peoples personal communications.  That story continues to be told and investigated and the people generally continue ignore it, quietly accepting the unconstitutional invaion of their privacy in exchange for their gadgetry.

That thread has been on my mind recently, though not so pressingly to bother to search the archives, but nagging anyway.

Personally I'd invite any blacksuited visitors with federal shields who might show up at my door in for a cup of coffee where we might discuss the Bill of Rights in further depth around the kitchen table while I cleaned the guns.

Again, all a bit absurd, but the current news of internet/identity corruption surprises me in the least.  I even kind of miss those nights in the public library researching whatever it was I was trying to learn the old fashioned way.  Somehow the effort for original sources enhanced the learning process for me.
Parent - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 02-06-2014 03:02 Edited 02-06-2014 03:25
Windows is the worlds most prolific virus, everyone has it, nobody wants it, and no one has come up with any viable/profitable answer to get rid of it.  If everyone would have believed in those George Orwell commercials from apple promoting the I-Mac and subsequently in turn OS-whatever...these issues would be much less prevalent if not non existent then they are today. 

Thank you for the heads up Hank!

With all gains there shall be downfalls and shortcomings, why, simple it was created by human beings.  Our greed mainly and secondly our natural short sided nature cause us to create way ahead of our maturity or ability to reason as a whole.  BUT mainly greed driven, root of all evil and all that.  So we build and create awesome things even beyond what our abilities should be by nature, but they always will have almost if not fatal flaws upon inception.  We are driven forward incessantly by our society and our nature but we lack the maturity to really reflect upon it before we dive in.   Dang I think I just channeled the Theodore John "Ted" Kaczynski or something....that was messed up.

EDIT: BTW>  A lot of these recent major Hackings are basically statements to the company victims and those folks that done it do not give a rats butt about your email account per se.  BUT they proved they can get into it and that really is the point.

Just as a commentary if yall might indulge me for a moment.  I consider myself a closet far removed "almost" (I said almost) for lack of better terms hacker.  Due to a personal crisis in my life and at the urging of friends who thought I was just so computer savvy....I taught myself 5 different programming languages and become well versed in the old telephone system codes (a lot of which the younger internet was based upon) and started a business.  I guess it stemmed from playing with programming as a barely teenager on an old z80 processor with a whole 75k of memory in a galaxy far far away combined with my tech degree which I never really used except as an electrician.  I am by no means an expert or even novice really to what is happening nowadays but I can tell you this as an ABSOLUTE truth.  No matter who's security software you purchase, which operating system you play on, what machine architecture or router or hardwired firewall you may use.....if your terminal/computer/tablet/phone is connected to anything more then a power supply it can be compromised by anyone willing to make the effort.  There is a good dang reason NORAD is on it's own separate network, although I suspect that original design has been compromised in the last decade....cause the only way to insure safety/privacy is to be disconnected.  Yahoo/MSN/PayPal and countless others all have been easily hacked and laid open for the perpetrators to do with as they will.  Think about that for just a sec....they have PILES OF MONEY to spend on security yet it is not think your $100 spent on Norton or Panda or McaFee is gonna really stop anything?   NO it won't.  It will protect you from common email hacks and browser phishing/ hacks for the most part and that is IT.  The only thing that stops you from being hacked is your not worth the effort....if your comp contained the info to access vast amounts of money or perhaps power....very many...not just one would have complete access to it period.

These companies have large teams of highly educated and talented folks working against this on a daily basis...because of the internet they are working against potentially every single person on the planet with a connection....think of how many the Federal Govt and other big Govt. in the world have fighting it.  They are not winning BTW.  The Chinese are smart and they seen the strategy straight out of the gate....they probably have the biggest group of code breakers working for them right now in the history of the planet, between that and their market leverage on hardware applications....they could very well own you me and all of us with the correctly applied attack on any given day.    There really is a WORLD war going on right now....its not cataclysmic yet.  It is just skirmishes all over...some big some small but nobody public really knows it is happening.  Your Govt is very aware of it....sometime in the future this war may break out into the streets without a shot ever being fired.   Not to be trying to blog some BS on the internet or waste time on this forum.  But I do assure you, that no connected machine is safe and that is an absolute fact.  Problem  is we are all wrapped up in them now, business, banking, personal, communication.....all utilize one thing for the majority of transactions now...the internet.  From the gas pump to the mall, 90% of those transactions are not hard currency they are internet.   Even things like TV and Radio communications are relying more and more in internet for data transfer.  This all creates a very interesting situation where folks totally disconnected by geography may wield influence, in whatever aspect you imagine, with governments or their citizens or against or for private enterprises.  It is a wonderfull thought and at the same time a terrifying one as then anywhere you may be you can be affected by the conscious decision of someone/group/collective you did not elect, did not choose to live under etc. beyond the realm of any major Govt in the world.


"Personally I'd invite any blacksuited visitors with federal shields who might show up at my door in for a cup of coffee where we might discuss the Bill of Rights in further depth around the kitchen table while I cleaned the guns."   Lol I guess I am right there with ya...I better be after this post eh?

Now for a conspiracy theory.  Perhaps in thier infinite wisdom some branch of the Fed, NSA or otherwise decided for our own protection they need to have a hand in our machines.  So when the great assualt predicted comes they can step in and correct it all and stabilize us.  AFTER all is that not what the feds think these days, we need them to fix every problem we have.  Or perhaps terrorism is an excuse to implement these agendas to protect financial markets and economic stability....after all....the recent debt crisis really put many world governments on their respective heels.  A highly coordinated attack could virtually reset the wealth clock for much are are transactions simply electronic records vs. actual real live you can touch it currency ones nowadays?  Swapping trillions of dollars around is simply a set of digits in a bubble memory on some chip somewhere, changed with a push of a button to keep it more simple terms.   IT definitely is a far different world then most of us grew up in, it is utterly a different planet from what our parents knew.

I apologize for such a post but i just felt compelled to post it.  The unusual things that cross my mind whilst my hood is down and I am welding away....maybe I need medication...I dunno.
Parent - By kcd616 (***) Date 02-08-2014 03:00 Edited 02-08-2014 03:02
Henry, my thoughts on people taking my email or bookmarks
hope this helps
btw I think it is the aws CWI stuff they are against:twisted::wink::evil::cool:
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / WARNING FOR YAHOO & SOME MSN E-MAIL USERS!!!

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