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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Crossroads:Debations
- - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 02-20-2014 04:23
I am faced with a decent offer to go back to aerospace work.....engine repair station stuff.    I know it will mean my own little planet, going to work in tennis shoes, climate controlled shop, 9-5 kinda job with all the ot I wish.  POTENTIALLY my machining/fab skills/production management experience playing into a bigger role.  However I have to use my words/feelings WASTED time with so called career endeavors like this one before and have been totally screwed by economic climate.  I dunno the big temptation for me is I love doing this kind of work and it is really enjoyable to me.  The opposite I guess is I run my own company and fly my flag for a reason, I have total control of it.  I am just at one of those stages in life where I am torn.  When I hire on with someone it is a real commitment to me, so its hard to just say to myself here is a killer job for the moment.  I gave up my home in Arkansas and basically went every which way but bankrupt in 2013...this offer looks like a breath of fresh air to what I have seen lately.  Just a weird post as I am having trouble figuring out myself at the moment....but business wise things are grim and maybe I am too chicken to see it any farther at the moment.
Parent - By welderbrent (*****) Date 02-20-2014 08:09
We are in difficult times.  Decisions like this are having to be made quite often.  How to juggle what we really want to do with what is available and pays the bills.  And, in this case, it appears would pay the bills very nicely.

You know it, but, the bottom line is in you and what you need.  How to take care of family.  Set up retirement.  Medical.  So many aspects.   

We'll be praying for you to make the decision that is best for you.

Have a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - By Tyrone (***) Date 02-20-2014 11:40
What's the aerospace industry outlook 5-10 years from now? 
If it looks good, how important is security at this stage of life?
Parent - By Lawrence (*****) Date 02-20-2014 13:17

The result of your work is excellence... Keep that in mind whatever you choose.

Whoever is the reciepient of your work is the winner here..........

Having just made a big jump recently I feel ya....  

How much is actually enough?   

Which parts of your day, week, month, year give you the most Joy, 

With whome do you share your labors, trials and victorys; and how often?

Ecc 5:12
The sleep of a labouring man is sweet, whether he eat little or much: but the abundance of the rich will not suffer him to sleep
Parent - By Smooth Operator (***) Date 02-20-2014 23:52
Tommy.....You need to do what's best for your family at that certain time and after researching / doing your homework on the job you are contemplating on taking...... For example my kids( 2 daughters) are both grown and on their own...... If the "business climate" was like it is now when my kids were growing up/ being raised I would have had to pack up my tent and find a real job!!!!!!!! The welding/ fabricating field is taking a hit since "09" with the economic experts saying business won't be back for 10 years (2019)......I've gone from 10-12 guys to just me and a helper......Fortunately there's just me and my wife and everything is paid for ,so I keep plugging away!!!!!! Almost everybody would like to go out on their own ,but alot of the time (because of circumstances beyond your control) it's not economically feasable....... Another thing I'm noticing as life goes on........people (myself included) have a hard time finding a job that's a good fit, and that my friend is another one of life's problems....."Finding a job that's a good fit for you"..........:yell:
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 03-14-2014 05:46
Well, we've talked for hours if not days on various subjects, this being one of them. My used to be brother in law always said, "a job is just a job. If I have to work at Mcdonalds to pay the bills and wait for something better to come along then so be it".

I have been in your situation many times in the early years and making that tough decision, throwing caution to the wind seems to be a practice well established in the small business world. Do I take this single hand job or keep shaking the bushes? With three young kids, new driver's licenses, the need of another car for another driver in the family, braces, college thoughts and more and you wonder if the decision you made was the right one, dragging up on a steady paycheck freezing my buns off getting blamed for everything everybody else screwed up and poor scheduling? It was a steady paycheck though, right??

I've worked so many jobs since 1995 as a clock puncher. Politics, butt chewings over stupid stuff and after 18 years I've realized that in the end it is most likely my personality type. I'm just not a good employee, long term. You hire me for a few months on a big job, I'm in and out and it's all good. Longer and I get caught up in the politics and I am one that will openly voice my opinion, you ask and I will tell. Management says they want to hear the employee opinion but not from me, maybe I'm to abrasive, could be the Jarhead. They say it takes a certain type of personality to even start a small business. I have met many guys that talk the talk but never walk the walk or they'll crank wrenches in their garage at home but still doing the 9-5 during the week. Toying with the idea but never getting that license, paying the taxes and jumping all in.

The business side is rough at times I agree. I like to look at the freedom for one. Freedom to do things with my family, cooked kabobs tonight, went to the dentist, grocery store and just had a pretty lazy day. Tomorrow I'm all out running my butt off doing paperwork and who knows what else. Work and jobs I am in control not in the sense that I am a control freak but in the sense that if something is screwed up them I have only myself to blame. If I work for somebody and they send me out on a job that they have bid, planned and then find out that it is "not as designed" on the prints from my phone call, then have the stones to blame me because they don't "field verify"? Yeah, I can't do that. With me being the boss and as you very well know we can eliminate those aspects for the most part with careful planning and understanding what we need to do.

Ultimately you've got to make that step to the right or to the left. Pay your bills now with the job that is there and if you can step off go for it. When I get offered a job I think of how good it will be for the money but in my head is the thought that I am stuck. Dentist appointment, doc appointment, kids school functions or events all dictated by the 40 hour week for a living. Just something as simple as my wife texting and saying she is in town, "want to grab lunch real quick?". I like that freedom. I know I have to work, I know I have to have money but I also want to live and enjoy my life, control my life not have work or money control it. I also fear that if I were to fall into that routine again for several years and it falls apart coming back to the business will be difficult because "the man" will have me bound again. At least staying in my business I know I am broke and up is the only way left, other than a pine box.

Good luck man.
Parent - - By Smooth Operator (***) Date 03-14-2014 23:40
Shaun....... Gotta tell you , it's the same all over with business ......For "YEARS" I've heard from others in business (competitors and other business owners) how great their doing $$$$$$$$$!!!!!!!! ???????? WTF...... Ends up looking back EVERY ONE of them is gone...... Usually it's bankruptcy ...... Business in general sucks.... The weather in the Northeast has put a hold on everything not already paralyzed by the political climate..... I've bid at least 6 big jobs ( for me 30-300k) and everyone of them is up for rebid or postponed...... I also know exactly what you mean by not having to " Work Singlehand" for someone..... I like to be in charge of my destiny, destination , final outcome or what ever you want to call it..... That's why years ago a hand that worked for me nicknamed me SmoothOperator, because I took the time to go over every aspect of the job, leaving nothing out/ forgetting nothing ...... Because I don't want anything to cause a problem on a job, from Bidding to Billing.........I have a hand in it.......Like I told you a couple years ago.....It comes down to "HOW LONG CAN YOU TREAD WATER" till you can hit a good job/ project ??????????
Parent - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 03-16-2014 13:24
So true. From the bridge job I worked this last summer to gates and handrails I mull over prints and plans more than I probably should but when you're standing under the bridge and three guys are there(not my employees) asking what we are going to do today and you can spit off locations by numbers on prints, lengths and just about any other aspect of the job and then I figure I am doing my job. Relying on the prints is ok but having that real deep understanding in your head helps to not miss it. I like bringing Murphy in for a pint and discussing what could go wrong so when I get out there I have already anticipated that it will go wrong and I'm not surprised or shaken.
- - By 803056 (*****) Date 02-20-2014 15:08
Unless you are totally irresponsible, and I know that is not the case, the decision you make with be the best decision for the time and conditions of the moment.

A rational decision is based on what is best for you and your family. Only you know what your long term goals are. Only you and your spouse know what is best for the family. The decision you make as a couple will be the best decision knowing the facts as they are presented.

All of us have made these decisions before and sometimes things do not go as planned because we didn't consider all the factors, we didn't do our homework, or we acted on impulse. In some cases what is best financially isn't what we want for ourselves or our family. The bottom line is that these decisions must be made from time to time and they are never easily made.

I am sure you will do what is best for your own benefit and the well being of your family.

Best regards - Al
Parent - - By JMCInc (**) Date 02-20-2014 17:04 Edited 02-20-2014 17:09
I hear ya with regard to slow times Tommy, that's why I'm making coffee tables instead of building houses. We're finishing up a project right now so I'm pretty much whoring myself out here and there to keep the crew together. On Valentine's day I thawed out a client's frozen sewer, got the s*it flowing by 10:30pm. I've always said I will do whatever it takes and sometimes I actually have to. A job at the lumber yard or on the end of a broom in the local fab shop was lookin' mighty fine at about 10pm on Friday. BUT, now that it's over I love the freedom I have. For instance I took a few hrs yesterday morning to run a few rounds through my gun and try a new scope I just bought for Christmas. I love the smell of gun powder on a crisp winter morning....Can't do that with a 9-5 when the boss is counting on you.

Made these things prior to the coffee table, G-d only knows what I'll have to do next. I'm thankful that I can do it. The guys that come here are the same way, whatever it takes.
Attachment: WTF.jpg (115k)
Parent - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 02-22-2014 01:22
Yea JMCinc,

I was strictly running a contracting welding business and when the local contractors started starving so did I.  I went into oilfield work but have had very mixed results, it definitely is a closed society and built upon contacts of which mine are not sufficient at this point.  It is a far different thing running a business then going out and working split check projects...I have not really adjusted to it well at this point.
Parent - By unclematt (***) Date 03-14-2014 03:59
That is some beautiful work there.

Have a good one;
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