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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / A few welds I came across today at work.
- - By Jssec (**) Date 03-08-2014 22:29
Up on this score board today to install the candles on top and found the section where the dogs is all way down to the score board section

supported buy the welds below.
Parent - - By 46.00 (****) Date 03-08-2014 22:44
Oh dear! That's not looking so good then! Is this North America you are in?
Parent - By Jssec (**) Date 03-09-2014 00:30
Lexington, Ky i assume who ever installed the new video board last year did it.
Parent - By kcd616 (***) Date 03-09-2014 14:59
that is awful:sad:
fix it or have someone do it
stuff like that gives welders a bad name:eek:
Parent - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 03-12-2014 21:36
That guy gets around, I think I've seen other welds by him on a few cell towers across the Midwest that had welds pretty similar to those, almost identical in some cases. Fix them? Haha! Would love to but tower owners want a new contract and don't believe they are an issue since they have held so long. Probably same situation with this sign. "It's been like that for years" is what I heard a lot.
- - By grizzzly (**) Date 03-10-2014 04:47
that first pic looks like they welded to a ceramic tile
Parent - - By 46.00 (****) Date 03-10-2014 09:06
I don't much 'welded' at all!
Parent - By mtlmster (**) Date 03-14-2014 12:25
Looks like a buzzard took a crap on the weld joints.  Please wipe the buzzard *&^&% off so we can see the weld.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / A few welds I came across today at work.

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