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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / For those who want an alternative to XP OS
- By ssbn727 (*****) Date 03-26-2014 08:02 Edited 03-26-2014 08:32
Hi everybody!

Some of us use the soon to be unsupported Windows XP operating system (OS) on their probably obsolete/older computers also and are faced with the dilemma of what to do after XP is no longer supported with updates from Microsoft after roughly 21 and a 1/2 days from today... I just happened to find a solution to your upcoming situation...

I present to you a Linux based OS that works with your existing software and is probably one of the most secure OS's out in the industry today and that says a lot! Without getting into details and instead of trying to explain how it works, here's a direct link to the homepage and one that gives you a tour of this incredible operating system which has 7 different versions available to use and some of them you have to pay to use them depending on how you most likely use your computer for, and yet the general purpose version is absolutely free and enables you to continue to use your existing applications that were written for Window XP also in this version of a linux based yet very user friendly operating system!!!

Here's the link and I hope this can help anyone that really cannot afford to purchase a new upgraded computer and buy a newer OS & application just so you can run them on your soon to be obsolete computer that you haven't even bought yet!!! Remember this is a FREE Operating System that's an excellent and secure alternative to XP!:yell:

The last day for Microsoft support for Windows XP is rapidly approaching so I urge you all to check it out unless of course you have already upgraded although one could still use this on their older computer in order to securely use it  without the fear of getting hacked or infected with malware used as a set up for identity theft.

Below are some screenshots (XP, Mac OSX and Windows 7) of how the various Operating System layouts one can choose from when using this OS called Zorin.:smile::grin::lol: 

This is too important to post exclusively here in the OTB&G so, I'm going to post this topic in the "Shop Talk" section also and I hope I don't ruffle any feathers for doing so.:grin:

Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / For those who want an alternative to XP OS

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