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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Common Arc
- - By Blaster (***) Date 03-28-2014 22:00
What exactly is "Common Arc"?
Parent - By spgtti (**) Date 03-28-2014 23:53
The Boilermakers Union national certification program.
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 03-29-2014 02:02
Here you go...

These are the MOST presentation program links:

The Common Arc Corporation:

Here's another page that explains Common Arc:

And the manual:

The MOST (Boilermakers) Recruitment Program:

By now you're probably wondering what is MOST correct? It stands for: Mobilization Optimization Safety Training and here's the link:

Many moons ago, I was a Journeyman Boilermaker/Tube Welder/ Mechanic and I did get involved with MOST and the Common Arc Certification program towards the later years as a Boilermaker and let me tell you that it has matured so much compared to when it first started back in the day... The training opportunities alone are impressive and far greater since it's inception and it's no longer only held in one centralized location as it used to be when all or most of the training was held in Kansas City, KS...

So if you think you have some students who are interested in joining, I would definitely recommend it because right now, the contractors and the Unions don't have enough manpower and the people they do have are getting ready to retire and well, you know the rest! So tell them to take advantage of these opportunities because they're the best out there regardless of which union they choose although I biased with the MOST program and how it's matured but, the proof is in the pudding so check out the links and share them with your graduating students because most of them don't know where to look and they'll appreciate you for it...
The ones who are serious that is.:eek::roll::grin::smile::lol::wink::cool:

I hope this will help you out.:smile::cool:

Parent - By Blaster (***) Date 03-29-2014 02:21
Thank you very much!
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Common Arc

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