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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / WPS Qualification per D1.6:1999
- - By SFIENG (**) Date 03-18-2003 15:50
Can anyone help me out with an D1.6:1999 interpretation. I have performed a CJP procedure qualification and I am confused on the required tests. I am unclear on whether I need to perform macroetch tests. I entend the WPS to be able to perform CJP, PJP and fillets. Paragraph 4.1.7 and Table 4.2 address the requirements but appear to contradict each other??

Thanks in advance!!
Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 03-18-2003 16:50
If you notice the subscript 1 in Table 4.2 in the column labled(macroetch for weld size(E) The note #1 says PJP groove welds only

So, I would say you need (depending on the thickness as to how many)...
Tensions pulled, Side bends, Face bends, and Root bends, with macroetches required for PJP 's only. (Also see Paragraph

All you would be trying to prove with the macroetching, is that when PJP is done, you are in fact achieving the required penetration and weld size.
Hope this helps,
John Wright
Parent - - By SFIENG (**) Date 03-18-2003 16:56

Thanks for your response. After I read Paragraph that you referenced, I went on to read Paragraphs, 4.5.1 and 4.5.2. It seams that if I wanted to use my CJP qualification to apply PJP and Fillet welds, it appears that I will have to perform (3) macroetch test? What do you think?

Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 03-18-2003 17:29
Yep, That's the way I saw it. I get confused reading this stuff and I try to read more into it than is really there.
John Wright
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / WPS Qualification per D1.6:1999

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