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Up Topic Welding Industry / ASME Codes / Heat treat ASME Sec.8 Div 1
- - By callen2525 Date 10-21-2014 19:06
We have a job coming up under ASME Sec.8 Div 1 that will require to be heat treat on are vessels. My question is do are PQR or WPS’S need to have been done with heat treating in them at the time of writing them. Or does it matter if they have heating in them or not.
Parent - By js55 (*****) Date 10-21-2014 20:26
Yes and yes.
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 10-21-2014 21:11
First off, we need more information like: what specific heat treatment is required... For example: Preheat, Post Weld Heat Treatment(PWHT)of any type or a change in any of the examples just listed... We still cannot specifically determine what you need to do without knowing what welding process is being used which is absolutely important in order to distinguish which table to look at in Sect IX in order to determine whether or not it's an essential, supplementary essential, and a non essential variable...

So if you can furnish the information on what type of heat treatment, and the welding process as well as if the welds are part a weld overlay build up to be used, we can then give you a definitive answer - that is unless you forgot to mention something which at times does happen in here and usually leads to a totally different resulting solution...:eek:

Now, if the WPS has already been written, and the welders have already been qualified by the WPS that doesn't list some form of Heat treatment and as you previously mentioned is required, then it's more than likely that you'll need to re-qualify unless it falls under a non essential variable and the only way to determine this would be to have all of the pertinent information available to then go into ASME Section IX and look @ the tables starting from QW 252 thru QW 265 and stopping at the table that refers to the process being used...

If you have access to ASME Section IX 2010, you can find those tables starting on page 20 all the way to page 46... More information please.

Parent - - By Jovi Zhu (**) Date 10-22-2014 14:11
In the Section IX Tables QW-252 thru QW-269.1, as mentioned by Henry, for various welding processes, PWHT conditions (QW-407.X) are always listed as Essential Variables.

When a WPS is to be prepared by the organization, it
must address, as a minimum, the specific variables, both
essential and nonessential, as provided in Article II for
each process to be used in production welding.
In addition,
when other Sections of the Code require notch toughness
qualification of the WPS, the supplementary essential variables
must be addressed in the WPS. order to at least comply with Section IX, the answer is YES no matter which construction Code section governs.

Note that Section IX is "general" for preocedure and performance qualification. Specific construction sections, e.g. I, VI, VIII...always take precedence over IX.

The mandatory PWHT requirements of the governing construction section must be followed. E.g., UCS-56 of VIII-1.

Better to consider your governing section while writing your Section IX WPS/PQR.

Hope this helps.
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 10-22-2014 23:18
Hi Jovi,
I was going to quote QW-101 in my previous post but I chose to write about the essential, supplementary and non essential variables in order to give the OP a chance to look it over, and since we don't who this individual is with respect to the level of authority for this project, and because of the lack of any pertinent details... I instead decided to be cautious this time to give a definitive answer...

Now if the Op would give us more information, we could narrow down the actual requirements concerning the specific construction sections also...
I hope I'm wrong but, I have a bad feeling that they will end up having to start all over from step one.:eek::roll::neutral:

Nonetheless, I wholeheartedly agree with you post Jovi, and as well as Js55's also... This Op couldn't have got a better answer.:smile::grin::lol::wink::cool:

Parent - By Jovi Zhu (**) Date 10-23-2014 04:57
Up Topic Welding Industry / ASME Codes / Heat treat ASME Sec.8 Div 1

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