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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Technical Standards & Publications / Skewed Square Tubular T joint (Match Box), CJP
- - By kevinC (*) Date 10-23-2014 02:01
Hi all:

I have two questions in regards to Skewed Square Tubular joint.

1) On the side of the match box T-joint (or skewed T joint, same here), if I want to do a CJP, according to Figure 3.6 (alternate Detail B), a single bevel groove is needed to be cut even the other side is already a Flare-Bevel, How should I label (or what symbol to use for) this joint? There isn't a single-bevel + single flare bevel joint, should I just use a single flare bevel joint symbol here? If I use 5mm thick tube on both side and leave a 2mm root face on the single bevel side, what weld size should I put in?

2) One the toe or heel side for CJP T joint, how do people measure the weld size after he/she welded? What tools are we looking at using?

Thanks for reading my post.
Parent - - By welderbrent (*****) Date 10-23-2014 03:26
Hello Kevin,

Glad to see you are still around.

Question #1)  You need to see D1.1, Clause 2.3.5 and on 'Shop Drawing Requirements'.  In this case you will not find a welding symbol that exactly fits the joint and weld situation.  The code lays the burden on the engineer and detailer to use a detail with all the appropriate dimensions, weld size, etc and in this case partially done for you by using the Joint Details in Figure 3.5, 3.6, and/or 3.8 when using PJP, CJP, matching sides, stepped sides, and heel/toe configurations as described in the Figures. 

Then, note from the text applying to the Figures that for the CJP you will need backing. 

You can use a symbol as in with 'CJP' in the tail and also 'See Detail' so they look at a drawing of exactly what you want done.  But don't use a symbol that does not apply.  In the long run it only confuses the matter. 

Question #2)  G.A.L. Gauge and others make a skewed weld gauge for measuring "fillets" (really just a weld when properly applying terminology) in the skewed joint.  They run around $100 I believe.  Between $80-125. 

The question becomes one of if you are going to require a CJP on those sides as well or only the 'fillet' weld.  It would be a "fillet" weld if it is between 80° - 100°.  Beyond those angles they are welds in skewed joints and are to be detailed for clarification.

You cannot properly measure them with any other weld gauge.

Hope I explained that good enough.

He Is In Control, Have a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - By kevinC (*) Date 10-27-2014 01:52
Thank you soo much Brent!!! Very useful! I've been having a lot of struggles in this area, now I'm all good.
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Technical Standards & Publications / Skewed Square Tubular T joint (Match Box), CJP

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