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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Magnetic Control of TIG arc
- - By mihirjayaraman Date 03-19-2003 13:49
I would like to know if oscillating the TIG arc sideways using an external magnetic field in autogenous TIG welding can be used to weld wider gaps between stainless steel(AISI 304) pipes and sheets.Presently there is a certain maximum threshold gap value between the SS sheets beyond which the gap cannot be bridged by the normal TIG arc because it results in the burn-through defect. I was wondering if effective arc oscillation can help bridge wider gaps between the thin sections of pipes and sheets.
Mihir Jayaraman
Parent - By DGXL (***) Date 03-19-2003 15:03
I think oscillation may bridge the gap, but may also create other problems such as underfill for a groove weld or concavity for a fillet weld.
Parent - By aircraft (**) Date 03-20-2003 06:08
It won't work for stainless.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Magnetic Control of TIG arc

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