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Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / Peel Test on Brazed Copper
- - By pipes (**) Date 01-15-2015 20:13
I have been a CWI for about 4 years and recently started my own inspection company. I have been testing exclusively pipe and plate welds but I had a good customer of mine request a peel test on copper pipe with a brazed joint. I have never done a peel test on copper pipe and ASME Section 9 does not (that I can find) address pipe specifically. QB 462.3 shows a peel test of a lap joint but I am not positive how that would transfer to pipe. Has anybody had experience with performing a peel test to separate a brazed copper joint? Thanks so much for the help!
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 01-15-2015 21:51
The peel test is to check for voids in the brazed joint.

In the case of pipe, the joint is always a lap joint that is in the shape of a socket fitting. The peel test is performed like it would be for any lap join, just cut the pipe into quadrants so you can work it easier.

If you are operating as an independent operator, you need the references. It is a part of doing business. You cannot deliver sand if you do not own a dump truck. Same principal works in this business.

AWS has a standard for testing brazed joints.

Best regards - Al
Parent - By pipes (**) Date 01-16-2015 02:19
OK, that was what I was wondering. I understand what Section IX is asking for I just wasn't sure about cutting the pipe. Thanks!
Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / Peel Test on Brazed Copper

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