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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Any Durability Problems with Miller Pipe Works Machine?
- - By Blaster (***) Date 02-05-2015 15:26
I am thinking of getting one, but have had dismal success with Miller power sources holding up in the past... any input on the Pipe Works power sources as far as longevity?
Parent - - By aevald (*****) Date 02-05-2015 16:28
Hello Blaster, I am really surprised that you've had issues with Miller power sources. We have a lot of Miller equipment and have not had any major issues of failure(knock on wood). We have a CP200 with a Millermatic 30A feeder on top of it that has been in use in the shop for 40+ years and never been to the "shop" for any repairs.

Okay, in thinking back we did have a Miller 8 pack that lost a cooling fan and we had a donated Miller Diesel big 50 that had a reactor failure. Otherwise though, somewhere around 40+ machines with no issues.

One of the major companies in our area, J H Kelly has quite a few of the Pipe Works and Pipe Pro systems and to my knowledge, their biggest issues with them were figuring out how to utilize all of the features correctly. I'll be interested to see where you go with this and how it works out. Don't count out some of the Lincoln offerings in this area as well. Let those boys at your LWS bring that stuff over there and "impress" you! Good luck and best regards, Allan
Parent - - By Blaster (***) Date 02-10-2015 22:54 Edited 02-10-2015 22:57
Hi Allan.  We have not been so lucky.  Off the top of my head, we lost most of the XMT 300s in our former 8 pack due to weld output that would drop off during welding.  If I recall at least one had capacitor problems.  We have 1 or 2 that are still functional.  Digital meters failed in most of our Dimension 652s at the 3-4 year mark.  A brand new Dimension 652 we bought w/ low OCV feature would, at random times during starts, go to full output and basically explode the end of the contact tip off with a loud POW!!! ... scared the crap out me.  Several brand new Iron Guns had their triggers go non-op within minutes or hours of going into service when the wires inside the gun handles broke in half.  A Millermatic had a catastrophic internal short because fasteners on the large capacitors inside were loose - total loss.  A second one had a capacitor failure for no apparent reason.  A XMT 456 recently suffered a small internal explosion and several minutes of smoke - total loss.  A digital display Sync 250 lost its lift arc and later its high freq starting capability.  Our older Sync 250 suffered a meltdown - total loss.  A Dynasty 300 had an internal meltdown for unknown reasons - total loss.  A second Dynasty 300 has an intermittent gas shielding issue, assume the solenoid is TU.  A XMT 350 Mpa lost a board.  A second XMT 350 Mpa lost its pulse capability for GMAW.  A 350P intermittently goes into “tip save” mode while trying to weld.

Our CST 250s have seen loads of use and have been bullet proof, and so has our Dynasty 700 (thank goodness!), though the 700 isn't used too hard too often.  We also have an older Sync 350 that has been plugging along for a couple decades or so.

Not sure why some machines have been problematic.  The problems span over use in two different shops.  The machines have always been blown out regularly.

I have been switching over to Lincoln Flex Tec 450s for multi-process power sources.  Started several years ago.  So far pretty good.  We now have 3 4-packs and one loose machine.  One 4-pack came in with set screws in the primary power junction box that weren't tightened at the factory.  This lead to a popped fuse.  But we fixed that easily and no damage was done.  One power source had the digital display incorrectly installed so it was very crooked - that required opening up the machine, unplugging the display, and plugging it back in to the panel face with the proper orientation.  12 of the 13 are in use outside (covered).  They have all operated flawlessly.  Great lift arc start on TIG, and the best (shortest and softest) arc breaking when snapping out that I can recall on any power source.  CV gasless setting is great with T-8 wires.  Excellent arc for pipe with both 6010 and all diameters of 7018.  I would like to get a couple more 4-packs. 

Time will tell if the Flex Tecs hold up, but so far we only have had 2 Lincoln failures at our facility in the 14 years I have been here. One has been with an Invertec 350 w pulse programming - it lost a board.  The other was with a newer Precision TIG 375 - it had a bad main power switch that flopped down on its own, it was replaced under warranty.  We retired 3 or 4 DC600s from our covered outside weld area that still worked perfectly when we sold them.  Great machines for structural, but horrible for pipe as they had no Dig / Arc control for use with stick and scratch TIG.  We are still using the same LN25s I bought 10 - 14 years ago, never a problem.

Not too impressed with Lincoln's Power Mig 255 XTs though.  The arc quality doesn't match the typical Millermatic, not even the little stepped 210, with .030" steel wire.  Also, the poor discrimination of the spot timer adjustment knob is irritating. 

Anyhow I am leaning towards the Pipe Works only because they seem to be the pick of the pipe shops for which we are training for employment.
Parent - By aevald (*****) Date 02-10-2015 23:57
WOW Rod! If they were XMT 300's I can understand, those were prone to some serious longevity issues, the 304's are a ton better. I can also understand the Dynasty 300's understood that they also had issues, Dynasty 350's way better also. Surprised to hear about the Sync 250's, the Dimension 652, and the XMT 456, although we have the XMT 450's and have never had any of the 456's. Have had good luck with our XMT 350MPa's too. Well as you said: time is the telling factor for just about everything. Hope things go good from here on out. Best regards, Allan
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Any Durability Problems with Miller Pipe Works Machine?

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