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Up Topic Welding Industry / Metallurgy / about copper coated electrode in steel welding
- - By vino2488 Date 03-10-2015 16:53
hi what happens to copper when we use copper coated electrode in welding ???? if copper has zero / low solubility in steel then how it will work as austenite stabilizer according to heat treatment process by T V Rajan ????
Parent - - By js55 (*****) Date 03-11-2015 12:17
I have never seen copper coating on austenitic electrodes.
And austenite stabilization is essentially irrelevant to ferritic electrodes.
It is true that austenite 'stabilizers' will either cause austenite to form sooner or last longer (or both) through cooling which can effect microstructural constituents.
But I do not see how the small amount in a rust inhibitor coating would be significant enough to say increase the volume percent of martensite or bainite at room temperature, which would be the issue of concern. And much of it will oxidize and end up in a slag cover anyway, the insolubility of which you speak.
Parent - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 03-12-2015 01:09
I agree js55 and besides, most of the coating vaporizes from the temperature in the arc plasma anyway and whatever amount that wasn't is so insignificant that it will not affect the weld chemistry enough to cause what you fear vino.

Up Topic Welding Industry / Metallurgy / about copper coated electrode in steel welding

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