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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / New Chapter!
- - By bozaktwo1 (***) Date 06-04-2015 01:02
Gentlemen (and the one or two ladies),

I have recently accepted a job offer as quality manager for a small machine shop here in town, and I start on the 8th.  I will no longer be in the welding "game," being that my new company is pretty much just a machine shop.  I will, of course, maintain my membership here, as I know there's a lot more knowledge in here than meets the eye.  However, I undoubtedly will not be around anywhere nearly as much as in the past 8 years.  Have to go learn a lot of new human tricks now.  Thanks to all who have helped me over those years, especially Henry, Al and Allen, who all contributed to the successful conquest of the "almost a metal."  :)  Good luck, good health and good fortune to all.

Parent - By aevald (*****) Date 06-04-2015 02:55
Hello Curt, I wish only the best for you in your new adventure/quest in life. But, you definitely shouldn't be a stranger on here either. You already know that machine shops and welding go hand in hand and with your background in welding you will be a very valuable asset to your new position and likely come up with all sorts of ways to help those folks out with your experience,expertise, and knowledge. Best regards, Allan
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / New Chapter!

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