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Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / D1.1 question
- - By bert lee (**) Date 07-10-2015 17:24
dear friends

if my box tubing in t-k-y have to correlate clause 4.27 (3) to table 4.10?

clause 4.27 (3) states..."cjp groove butt joints or T-K-Y and K connections with backing in box tubing. Use figure 4.24 (B) in pipe, plate or box tubing"

but then in table 4.10, to qualify the welders for  t-k-y connections for box tubing under cjp, use figures 4.27 & 4.29

in your opinion what figure should i use to qualify my welders for cjp box tubing with backing (t-k-y connections)?
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 07-11-2015 15:45
Text has precedence over figures or tables in D1.1.

Parent - By 46.00 (****) Date 07-13-2015 07:22
Parent - - By bert lee (**) Date 07-13-2015 16:09
if text has precedence, meaning i have to use fig 424 (B) (with backing in box tubing)...if that so, then how to apply table 4.10 for the position requirements for welder or welding operator qualification?

example tee connection in box tubing with backing, will 3G + 4G able to cover the production welding of t-k-y groove CJP?

appreciate your help sir :smile:
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 07-13-2015 18:33
Only if backing is used with the production welds.

Parent - - By bert lee (**) Date 07-14-2015 16:56
Mr Al

if my welders are qualified both for 3G & 4G for one side welding without backing CJP  and i have a supporting wps for that, are they qualified to weld the following connections.

1) base plate to square hollow section - single bevel without backing CJP.

2) tee connection of square hollow section to square hollow section - single bevel without backing CJP.

Parent - By 803056 (*****) Date 07-14-2015 18:16
If you qualified both the WPS by testing, that is you welded an  assembly depicted in Figure 4.28 and 4.29, and the welder using the same figures, the response is yes. If you qualified the welders on plate, the response is no.

Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / D1.1 question

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