Hello msharitt, unfortunately, if he is a CAWI he is in a rather interesting position. I believe that he cannot exercise any inspection practices without the overseeing of a CWI. If he was not a CAWI he would have more "rights/abilities" to perform inspection under the provisions of D1.1. I am pretty sure others will chime in here pretty quickly, however, I believe that I have the gist of this correct. Best regards, Allan
If you read AWS D1.1/2010 Clause it basically says that if the customer or EOR does not specifically require a CWI, inspections shall be performed by a person who is deemed competent to perform these duties. To be compliant to the D1.1 standard, you do not have to be a CWI to do visual inspections (VT).
Good evening Michael.
Unfortunately for your friend, Allan and WeldinFool are correct. Once he received the AWS/CAWI he is under the Rules of Ethics and operating procedures produced by AWS Certification Committee. Those state very specifically that the CAWI can ONLY perform inspections responsibilities under the watchful eyes and ears of a CWI or SCWI.
If his employer were to 'demand' that he perform duties as an in house QC, while he has most of the experience and qualifications to do so better than others working there, they would both be responsible for him violating the Rules of Ethics and possibly losing his credentials altogether. They really need a CWI for him to work under or get rid of the CAWI credentials and make him a QC inspector according to their rights under D1.1 Clause 6.
So, to your questions:
1) the contract is specific enough; it defers to the applicable code and organization rules surrounding that code and all of it's applicable parts. In house QC needs to be kept separate in our minds from actual CWI abilities, qualifications, responsibilities, and even requirements.
2) Yes, a CAWI can do inspections; BUT, he must be supervised by a CWI or SCWI. There is no CONFLICT to which one TRUMPS the other, you simply have to put them all together in an appropriate manner.
He Is In Control, Have a Great Day, Brent