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Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / Editable ASME Sec IX forms
- - By arc-burn Date 09-13-2015 21:51
Hello all
Just joined the forum and am already well impressed. Was wondering where I may find some downloadable forms, specifically QW 482 and QW 483 forms. Most of the ones I have tried are in PDF form and I cannot change the font size so my forms come across somewhat less than professional looking
Parent - By 803056 (*****) Date 09-14-2015 01:47
Make your own. The forms included in Section IX, or AWS D1.1 for that matter, are not mandatory and for a point of information do not address all the essential and nonessential variables (not forgetting supplemental variables). Make your own forms using a word processor or a spread sheet gives one added latitude to expand or contract the space to list the information needed by the welder. Do not forget to address all the essential variables, whether they apply to the current situation or not.

Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / Editable ASME Sec IX forms

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